I have that privilege I will try to
remember you but the way things
are thare now they cannot do much
of any business I think you have
done v[er]y well in school, and if my
rents had continued as they have done
formerly, I would liked to have kept
you thare untill you were fully established
I look upon Education as of far
more value than property. But neerly
all my rents have stayed it is quite
as much as I can do now to keep
my large family moving & pay my
taxes. My Taxes last year was $332,
but I had Extra school taxesthis year
this year My Terretoreal School & county tax
is $208 of course there with city & other
Taxes but I Hardly know what I am writing
to you about this for. I had the Honor
of preaching Last Sunday to a large
congregation in the St George Tabernacle
among the Number was U S Marshel Armstrong & clerk of the Commissioner from
I have that privilege I will try to
remember you but the way things
are thare now they cannot do much
of any business I think you have
done very well in school, and if my
rents had continued as they have done
formerly, I would liked to have kept
you thare untill you were fully established
I look upon Education as of far
more value than property. But neerly
all my rents have stayed it is quite
as much as I can do now to keep
my large family moving & pay my
taxes. My Taxes last year was $332,
but I had Extra school taxes
this year My Terretoreal School & county tax
is $208 of course there with city & other
Taxes but I Hardly know what I am writing
to you about this for. I had the Honor
of preaching Last Sunday to a large
congregation in the St George Tabernacle
among the Number was U S MarshelArmstrong & clerk of the Commissioner from