Letter from Jedediah Morgan Grant, 13 July 1845 [LE-11683]

Document Transcript

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Elder W. Woodruff,

Beloved Brother, in the Kingdom of ^God^
I hope you will forgive me, for not writing to
you 'ear this. You know it is impossible for me to forg
it, you. Though I confess my negligence in writing; yet
all within me, bears witness, that Br Woodruff, has
been remembered. At the family alter, and before
the congregation, of the Saints, when ever the hour came
to offer our oblations to the Father, in the name of
Jesus, our Elder Brother.

Dear Brother you are greatfully
remembered by the Saints in this City. We rejoice to
^hear^ of your prosperity in your almost boundless field of
labour. I have received boath of your interresting
Letters and also the m^M^inuts, of you General Conference
While reading the same, My Soul was filled with joy
for a moment I seemed to be with you, with the velosity
of lightning, my thoughts crost the Briny deep, and traced
you in your various meanderings through England, and
Scotland. The Land of my Fore-Fathers Nativity.

I also viewed with much satisfaction the cource
persued by all my Brethren who went from this Land,
made dear to us by sacred covanants the Lord made
to Brother Joseph, our Martered Lawgiver and renowned
Prophet, that this Land should be our Everlasting
Inheritance. I might Dear Brother, dwell much on past
sceans through; which we, have past, togather, on the Land
of Zion, where Sleeps many we dearly love;
But I forbare makings any fa^r^ther allissions [allusions] on the
Sceanes you know so well. That I may comply
with your request, Namely, to give ^you^ all the news, I
can either from Nauvoo, East ^West [&]^ North or South.
I leave the News from Nauvoo for the last, as
that will be the least of all. The work
of the Lord has prospered, in [Philad'a^["]^ since you
was here; Some twenty or thirty New Membes
have been baptised, our Congregation has greatly
increaced in numbers. the Spirit of the Lord is in our

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midst, therefore our Union is Strong, we are doing all
in our power to help^;^ to compleate the, Temple and the
Nauvoo House. prayers are offered without ceaseing
by day and Night, that; y^w^e may have the privelige of
fulfiling the Commandments, that the blessings long
looked for may come upon us, in the House of the
. In the City of New york the cause is, onward
new, members are joining the Church, all are alive
on the subject of building up Nauvoo the City
of Joseph, and finishing the Temple. Elders
Parley P Pratt, & S Brannan, are going a head with
printing and circulating truth. Elder Pratt has
thr[w]ed a flood of light through; all, this part
of the vineyard, to the joy of many Saints.

Boston is blessed with more Saints than any other
City in the eastern States. Elder[s] Willard, Snow
has charge there under the direction of Elder
Pratt. that Branch I think Numbers between
2^3^ and 3^4^ Hundred Members. In all the ea^s^tern
States the Saints are well united, bearing willing
to listen to the Council of the Twelve, and pay
their Thithing, as the Lord has said. Many have
emigrated to Nauvoo, to help in all things to cary
out the measures of Br, Joseph & Hyrum Smith

Through the Northern Sections of the States
the almost innumerable Branches of the Church
are on the increase, not withstanding the Elders
in general are call to Nauvoo. The Interiour of
the different States are^;^ now beholding Hundreds of
their best Citizens leaving for Nauvoo to locate
with the Saints and help bu^i^ld the Temple of our
God. From the South the news is cheering to
me, and all the Saints, you are aware, of my
labours, in South Western, Virginia, and North
. Before I left there, I organised a
Conference of 200, Members, concisting of seven
Churches in Seven different Counties. the last, account
shows an increace of over 100,: 50, Since I left the field

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The accounts received from Alabama Georgia
Mississippi Louisiana, and Tennisee, goes to show
that the South keeps not back. The news from
Cannada, proves that the North is giving ^up^ also as the
Prophet Said, The Le^a^ven is working in all North
America. The Bread will soon be ready to, bake,
The Wood has cought fire, and ^the^ Oven is heating

Nauvoo the City of Joseph, last
but not lest, is rising in the magasty of the
God of Joseph and Hyrum. Her Charter is
the Law of God. Her officers The Twelve
Apostles, and their assistence, which is all the
Spiritual Authorities of the whole Church and Kingdom
Her Strength is all power in Heaven and on
Eearth, her Banner is Love. The wisdom of
her Inhabitents reches to heaven, before them
the wecked tremble; I feel hapy Br Woodruff
that I can in truth inform you, that the dark
cloud which hung over Nauvoo, a few months agoe
has burst asunder. And never, No Never, di[stamp]
the Sun of peace and prosperity shine on the Church
as at present. The Eearth Brings forth her Strenghts
The Saints in Hancock ^County^ and the adjacent Counties, will
this Season, rase grain enough, to support half of
the Hohole State. In many other parts of the state
the Frost has destroyed almost the entire crop of
Summer grain, many of our Enemies allredy have
to by^u^y, grane of the Saints. The Temple I supose
is nearly covered by this time, the w^o^rk for the, Inside
is in a raped [rapid] state of completion. one Hundred Hands
are now at work on the Nauvoo House. The Brick
is all ready for the same. Timber &c &c. The roof
will be put on this fall. But you know they build
So fast, with so little meanes, that when both Houses
are completed, The debt for the same will be large
Indeed, but the commanment will be fulfiled, and the
blessings decend on the true H^e^arted Saints of the Lord.
my soul [m]iagnifies the Lord for all these Precious Things.

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The Mu^r^deres of Brs. Joseph and Hyrum have been
accquited by the Mob Jury. They are Now in the
Hands of the Devil for distruction, in the [own] ^own^ due
time of the Lord. The last news from Nauvoo, Said
that Nine of the Twelve were there, In good health & Spirits
I learn that Elders B. Young H. C. Kimball J Taylor, W
G. A. Smith O. Pratt O Hyde Wm Smith John E Page
and A Lyman, are all in Nauvoo at Present, busy Night
and day giving council to the whole Church as the Spirit directs

[upside-down text] Thire is Thr^i^rty one Quorums of Seventies completely
organised under their rispective Presidency, as the Law
directs. I hope to see you soon after our first Penticost
if the Lord will. Please remember ^me^ to all the Brethren who
went from America. My wife joins with me in sending
our love and respects to you and Sister Woodruff; Please
write to me as Soon as this come to Hand, & oblije your Br in
in the Kingdom ^of^ peace; Jedediah M. Grant,
No 353, North 3rd st Philad'a. July 12th 1845. [end of upside-down text]

[sideways text] Mr Wilford Woodruff,
36 Chapel Street,

[stamp in navy ink] PHILADELPHIA

[stamp in navy ink] PAID

[stamp in navy ink] 10

[stamp in black ink] AMERICA
JY 29

[Wilford Woodruff] Jedediah M. Grant
Answered Aug 1st 1845 [end of sideways text]