I deposited the Books & Records in a stone
in the South East Corner of the foundation of
the on the 13 day of Aug 1857.
President Dedicated the same.
I was Appointed to superintend the diging
out of the foundation of the Temple. I spent 111
days in that service I attended 169 Meetings
with the school of the Prophets in .
I collected for the in Nauuvoo
$1674. I Printed the &
in connexion with for two years. I Printed 2500
copies of the in 1885 [1845]
I published 3000 copies of the in and secured the copy right
in London in 1845. I published
20000 copies of the Proclamation of the Twelve
Apostles By order of on his own
I have been Ordained during the foregoing Period to the
Office of Teacher, Priest, Elder, 2 Quorum of Seventies,
first Quorum of Seventies, and of the Twelve Apostles.
I received my Endowments under the Hands of
President under the Direction of
the Prophet I received the under the hands of
I Officiated as a Member of the City Council
I deposited the Books & Records in a stone
in the South East Corner of the foundation of
the on the 13 day of Aug 1857.
President Dedicated the same.
I was Appointed to superintend the diging
out of the foundation of the Temple. I spent 111
days in that service I attended 169 Meetings
with the school of the Prophets in .
I collected for the in Nauuvoo
$1674. I Printed the &
in connexion with for two years. I Printed 2500
copies of the in 1845
I published 3000 copies of the Doctrins & Covenants in and secured the copy right
in London in 1845. I published
20000 copies of the Proclamation of the Twelve
Apostles By order of on his own
I have been Ordained during the foregoing Period to the
Office of Teacher, Priest, Elder, 2 Quorum of Seventies,
first Quorum of Seventies, and of the Twelve Apostles.
I received my Endowments under the Hands of
President under the Direction of
the Prophet I received the washing of
feet under the hands of
I Officiated as a Member of the City Council