Aug 28, 1885
We left & rode to grass valley & stoped with Brother Jeffreys who was suffering severely with the teeth
ake his face was badly swollen. After resting we
drove to grass Valley Canyon which was owly abot
a mile from Jeffreys but we were wrongly directed
and went 5 miles out of our way we got to the creek
at 2 oclok took dinner & At 3 oclok I undertook to
fish but it was the smallest stream of water I ever
attempted to fish in it was so small Brother Thompson
did not Believe fish could live in it & would not
fish I could ownly use an 18 inch line for
the thick brush I fished 2 Hours caught 22 trout but
they were small I lost most of the trout I hooked that
would weigh half a pound No chance to get them out from
brush we spent the night at Br Jeffrey 15 Miles
~ Saturday
29 Br Jeffrey was bad this morning we administered
to him we then drove to pinto & down to Holts Ranch
near the border of the Desert stoped with Br Holt 15 M[iles]
Aug 28, 1885
We left & rode to grass valley & stoped with Brother
Jeffreys who was suffering severely with the teeth
ake his face was badly swollen. After resting we
drove to grass Valley Canyon which was owly abot
a mile from Jeffreys but we were wrongly directed
and went 5 miles out of our way we got to the creek
at 2 oclok took dinner & At 3 oclok I undertook to
fish but it was the smallest stream of water I ever
attempted to fish in it was so small Brother Thompson
did not Believe fish could live in it & would not
fish I could ownly use an 18 inch line for
the thick brush I fished 2 Hours caught 22 trout but
they were small I lost most of the trout I hooked that
would weigh half a pound No chance to get them out from
brush we spent the night at Br Jeffrey 15 Miles
~ Saturday
29 Br Jeffrey was bad this morning we administered
to him we then drove to pinto & down to Holts Ranch
near the border of the Desert stoped with Br Holt 15 Miles
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," August 28, 1885 - August 30, 1885, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 13, 2025,