To the Saints in the British Isles greeting
Beloved BFriends
I deem it my Duty
to address a few lines to you through the medium
of the Star Before I take my Departure from England to returns to America. The shortness of
time & croud of Business forces me to be brief
in my communication. You have already
been informed that the persecutions & banishment
of the Saints west of the Rocky mountains &
a desire to deliver my own family & friends is the
sole cause of my sudden Departure from
your midst, & I now once more appeal unto
you that you let your prayers assend asscend
up before God Day & night in behalf of your
afflicted Brothren in Zion that the Lord may Delievver
them from that persecution &and oppression that
they have long groaned under. Though the edict
of Banishment is past & they are about to make
a sacrafice of there Homes, Lands Homes & the pars
To the Saints in the British Isles greeting
I deem it my Duty
to address a few lines to you through the medium
of the Star Before I take my Departure from
England to returns to America. The shortness of
time & croud of Business forces me to be brief
in my communication. You have already
been informed that the persecutions & banishment
of the Saints west of the Rocky mountains &
a desire to deliver my own family & friends is the
sole cause of my sudden Departure from
your midst, & I now once more appeal unto
you that you let your prayers asscend
up before God Day & night in behalf of your
afflicted Brothren in Zion that the Lord may Deliver
them from that persecutionand oppression that
they have long groaned under. Though the edict
of Banishment is past & they are about to make
a sacrafice of there Homes, Lands Homes &
"Letter to the Saints in the British Isles, 20 January 1846," p. 1, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025,