"They Were Steadfast and Immovable”
by Michelle Pack
Alma the Younger Preaching by Gary L. Kapp
When Alma’s people began to “wax proud” (Alma 4:6), he was saddened. “There began to be great contentions among the people” (Alma 4:9), and the wickedness of the members of the Church had become a “great stumbling block to those who did not belong to the church” (Alma 4:10). As a way to combat this wickedness, Alma appointed a chief judge to take over the temporal affairs of the people, but he kept the office of high priest for himself. He then began preaching, using his testimony to dispel the false doctrines which had been circulating and to teach the people to come unto Christ (Alma 4:16–20). Alma could see no other way “that he might reclaim them save it were in bearing down in pure testimony against them” (Alma 4:19). Pure testimony can touch hearts and help us feel the Spirit of the Lord. The spirit of pure testimony can inspire people to change.
Wilford Woodruff felt this spirit of pure testimony while in Clithero, England, for a conference among the Saints. On May 11, 1845, he recorded, “I blessed the bread and wine and it was administered to the Saints after which the time was tak[en] up by the Brethren and Sisters in bearing testimony of the work of God, and the power of God rested upon the congregation until it melted us into tears. . . . I was so overwhelmed with the spirit and power of God and simplicity of the people I could scarcely speak.” That is the power of the Spirit when righteous Saints bear pure testimony. Pure testimony has the strength to inspire us to be better.
Have you ever felt sadness at someone else’s choices and wondered what you could do to help? In my experience, lecturing people on their unwise choices does little to change their behavior and could lead to hard feelings. But there is something we can do that will make a difference: we can bear our testimony in words and in action.
A testimony, as taught by Elder Gary E. Stevenson, is “your belief or knowledge of truth given as a spiritual witness through the influence of the Holy Ghost. Acquiring this witness will change what you say and how you act.” We bear testimony when we “share spiritual feelings with others.” However, as Elder Stevenson explains, “Another way you share your testimony is through righteous behavior.” Each time we act in accordance with our beliefs, we are an example to others and give them a guide to follow. When we bear our testimony through our actions, we can strengthen the testimony of others, give them strength to do what is right, and stand out as a guide to follow.
Let’s follow Alma’s and Wilford Woodruff’s examples and accept the invitation given by Elder Stevenson: “I invite you to seek opportunities to bear your testimony in word and in deed.”
Michelle graduated from Utah State University–Eastern in 1995 with an associate degree in Graphic Design. After serving in the Guatemala, Guatemala North Mission from 1996 to 1998, she continued her education at Utah Valley University, graduating in 1999 with an associate degree in Paralegal Studies and in 2000 with a bachelor’s degree in Technology Management and an emphasis in Graphic Design. She worked as a paralegal for two years before having her children and becoming a full-time stay-at-home mom. Her two children are now in college. Not wanting to let her children suffer through college alone, Michelle went back to school and is now attending Utah Tech University, working on her master’s in Technical Writing and Digital Rhetoric. Michelle loves the gospel, family history, and the temple. She and her husband enjoy camping, hiking, and spending time together. She is excited to be a volunteer with the Wilford Woodruff Papers.
- Wilford Woodruff’s Journal, May 11, 1845, p. 79, The Wilford Woodruff Papers,
Gary E. Stevenson, “Nourishing and Bearing Your Testimony,” October 2022 general conference, ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
“Nourishing and Bearing Your Testimony,” ChurchofJesusChrist.org.