"Come and Partake of the Fruit" | Come, Follow Me January 15-21
Speaker: Shauna Horne
Editor: Jacob Edmunds
“The Come, Follow Me manual for this week says, ‘Even if you have studied Lehi’s vision many times, this time think about it the way Lehi did—think of someone you love.’
I have found myself at the tree partaking of the fruit, so riddled with worry for one of my children that I do not even recognize the power of the tree: Jesus Christ. He has the power to heal all wounds, all pains, all addictions, and all suffering—even a mom’s heart. Instead of worrying, I need to have faith, hope, and confidence in my Savior.
Wilford Woodruff shared the following quote from Brigham Young in his journal: “We read in the New Testament that faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Have we all got faith? It is our duty to have faith in God and his word and promises. You have to trust in God.”
As we put our trust in God and ‘think celestial,’ as we have been tutored by President Russell M. Nelson, we can have faith that everything will work out!”