Repentance can be an intimidating process, but it is something that is necessary for us on this Earth.
President Wilford Woodruff knew of the importance of repentance and shared, “The first principle of [the] Gospel is faith. Well, the people of the world may say, we all believe in Jesus Christ. Yes, but there is something to do besides believing in Christ. We must repent of our sins.”
So, how can we make the repentance process less intimidating? There are three things that we can do:
Have faith
Stay the course
Repent daily
There is no reason for us to worry about repenting! We should remember who we are approaching, even Jesus Christ. To His prophet Jeremiah, Jesus said, “I am the Lord which exercise[s] loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth: for in these things I delight.”
Have more comforting words ever been spoken? In His loving kindness, Christ delights in our improvements, and that is exactly what repentance is.
President Nelson shared, “The Savior loves us always but especially when we repent. He promised that though ‘the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed … my kindness shall not depart from thee.’”
Let us begin by taking those first steps home with faith in God. Then let us be determined to stay the course with daily repentance.