“May Christ Lift Thee Up” | Come, Follow Me Video December 9-15

Writer: Garry Weiss

Speaker and Editor: Aubrey Barzee

Come, Follow Me


This week in "Come, Follow Me", we read about Mormon encouraging his son, Moroni, to “let Christ lift [him] up” in spite of the horrific circumstances that weighed him down. Today we face a similar situation in “this sin-saturated, self-centered, and often exhausting world.”

We all need to rely upon and be lifted up by Jesus Christ and His gospel. Wilford Woodruff taught this clearly: “We are all dependent upon the Lord, upon his Holy Spirit, and upon the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ for instruction, for light, and knowledge, such as is calculated to edify, encourage, sustain and aid us in magnifying our callings in this life.” 

If we humble ourselves, we can be lifted up by Christ.