Staffordshire Conference March 1841 | Day in the Life of Wilford Woodruff

Speaker: Lyndie Jackson

Writer: Maddie Christensen

Editor: Keaton Olson

Day in the Life


Today I wanted to share with you a journal entry from Wilford Woodruff from March 28, 1841, conference in England.

He wrote, “Staffordshire Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints met according to adjournment & by appointment in the Magistrates assembly Room in Hanley on Sunday the 28th Day of March. There being Present Wilford Woodruff & George Albert Smith of the Traveling High Council & one High Priest, 13 Elders, 28 Priests, 10 Teachers, & 8 Deacons. The meeting was called to order by Elder Woodruff at half past ten o'clock when it was moved by Elder Woodruff seconded by Elder Simpson that Elder George be appointed President of the Conference. The President opened a meeting by Prayer after which 15 of those named for ordination were ordained under the hands of Elders Woodruff, Smith & Cordon. We had a very interesting conference on this occasion, it being in the Magistrates assembly Room which would hold about 800 which was crowded but in perfect order. Many good feelings were manifest during the Day & a prospect of a continual increase in the Potteries. I dined with Elder Taylor & spent the night with Br Box.”

What we wanted to ask after this journal entry is, "What are you doing to prepare for General Conference? And how are you making it a special time for your family?