"Stand Fast in the Faith of Christ” | Come, Follow Me August 12-18

Writer: Lyndie Jackson

Speaker: Matthew Gonzalez 

Editor: Caralyn Cleaver

Come, Follow Me


In Alma 43 to 52, Amalikiah used many tactics to persuade others to follow him and do his will. He stirred the Lamanites to anger against the Nephites, used flattery and false promises to get them to follow him, and coaxed Lehonti down the mountain to meet him, promising safety and mutual benefits. All the while, Amalikiah sought only his own power and glory. 

Satan uses the same tactics on us today. He makes us angry enough to lash out at others’ weaknesses. He uses half-truths to appeal to our vanity or insecurities. And he tempts us, little by little, to follow him instead of God. 

Satan cannot be trusted, but Christ can. He will be our strength and our comfort. He will prepare us for what is to come. Wilford Woodruff taught, “The gospel of Christ has never disappointed any man or woman that ever dwelt in the flesh.”

As we make our homes places of security and prepare our minds and spirits to be faithful to God, we will withstand the evil efforts of the devil. As we trust in the Lord and never stop preparing, we will find happiness and peace through all our days.