Stormy Day at Sea | Day in the Life of Wilford Woodruff
Writer: Emma Neff
Speaker: Jared Freedland
Editor: Caralyn Cleaver
On December 11, 1844, Wilford Woodruff was traveling to England by ship. He faced a storm that lasted all day, and wrote this in his journal:
“The wind changed to the east and commenced blowing a gale. We were driven under bare poles through the day & evening and it made us all dreadfully sick. The sea was very rough & piled up like hills. We kneeled before the Lord & prayed unitedly that the Lord would cause the gale to cease & the wind to change that we might go forward & not backward. In a little time after, the wind instantly ceased and finally changed into the southwest which gave us fair wind.”
I know that God is aware of us and through the power of prayer we can see Him perform miracles in our lives.
How have you seen the hand of the Lord in your life when you needed it?