You asked me a question the last
time we met which I was not prepared to an-
swer at the time it was given. I have given
the subject some thought and reflection, and
I now feel prepared to answer the question, ac-
cording to my views. You asked me if I
knew any reason, in case of the death of the
President of the Church, why the Twelve Apostles
should not choose some other person to be the
President of the Church, instead of the President
of the Twelve Apostles. I think I do know
of several good sound reasons; which I
will now give you. In the first place there
are two or three plain truths which are eter-
nal, everlasting, unchangeable, and immovable,
as the pillars of Heaven, as far as this Dis-
pensation is concerned; which have been
established by the Revelations of God through
the mouth of the Prophet Joseph Smith. These
truths stare us in the face. First: When the
You asked me a question the last
time we met which I was not prepared to answer at the time it was given. I have given
the subject some thought and reflection, and
I now feel prepared to answer the question, according to my views. You asked me if I
knew any reason, in case of the death of the
President of the Church, why the Twelve Apostles
should not choose some other person to be the
President of the Church, instead of the President
of the Twelve Apostles. I think I do know
of several good sound reasons; which I
will now give you. In the first place there
are two or three plain truths which are eternal, everlasting, unchangeable, and immovable,
as the pillars of Heaven, as far as this Dispensation is concerned; which have been
established by the Revelations of God through
the mouth of the Prophet Joseph Smith. These
truths stare us in the face. First: When the
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