“I am He Who Liveth I am He Who Was Slain”
When I realize that a man like him has lived, heard the gospel, embraced it and has fulfilled the measure of his day, what can we say about him? Can we mourn because he is gone? Bless your soul, he is with Joseph today, and with others of the elders of Israel, and he rejoices with them. . . . he is happy, and blessed are the dead that die in the Lord, from henceforth saith the spirit for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them. I do not know whether Brother Pitt has preached much in the world, but I do know that he has labored for the benefit of the Saints of God. But he will preach now. He has gone to the other side of the vail, and he will preach there to large assemblies of spirits. He has been faithful and he will receive a crown of life. His body will lie in the tomb a few years, and but a few. His death is a loss to his wife and children, and the parting is grievous. But how glorious is the thought that there is a victory over the grave! In Adam all died, but in Christ all are made alive. Christ was the first fruits of the resurrection. This is a glorious thought to me . . ."

He Is Risen by Del Parson, ChurchofJesusChrist.org

Each year, the coming of spring connotes a time of rebirth. Snow melts, plants grow, and flowers bloom. It’s no coincidence that we celebrate the rebirth of our Savior during the spring. Malachi prophesied that after death, our Savior would “arise with healing in his wings” (Malachi 4:2). The beauty of the resurrection is found in the promise that because of Jesus Christ, we all will live again someday. This truth was confirmed to Wilford Woodruff in a conversation with an angel: Wilford “saw armies of men in the first resurrection, clothed with the robes of the Holy Priesthood.” 

Through a revelatory experience, Wilford’s faith and hope in the doctrine of resurrection became knowledge. He saw for himself the promised blessings of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He knew that the grave would have no victory (see Mosiah 16:7–9). If you are struggling with your faith in Jesus Christ this Easter season, find refuge in the experiences of others. Through continued diligent seeking, you, too, can turn your faith into knowledge that because of our Savior, we will all live again.

Scott Hansen is an intern for the Wilford Woodruff Papers Project. Busy completing his second semester at BYU, Scott enjoys reading the firsthand accounts of early Church leaders. His work on the Project has strengthened his testimony of the Restoration and has helped bring early Church figures to life.

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