Brother Meeks got in from Provo last night reported that
the Judges & Armey were vary mad at the Extra. The proc-
lamation had Just arived but not circulated when he
left. They had privately examined Durfee and he had
tried to implicate President Young and this is what our
Enemies have been triying to hier some one to do a long
time. But their is not a man in the world who can
sware in truth that President Young advised anyone
to murder any body he has always advised evry man
when he has advised at all not to shed Blood except in
self defence. It is a vary cold day I wrote some today
to Lorenzo Snow. It is rumoured to day that Col Johnson
has 100 deserters in Irons in his camp inand he had one
man whiped 120 lashes on the bare back who swore he
would kill the man who sentenced him to be whiped as
soon as he got a chance, we learned that the snow was
vary deep south and their had been No communication with
any settlem[en]t south of Fillmore for several weeks
I had two dreams last night I dreamed of having a terrible [FIGURE] battle with a rattlesnake he tried to bite me all over
but did not seem to hurt me after I awoke I again fell [FIGURE] asleep & and dreamed that I had an orchard of several
acres of Appletrees and I thought the ground was covered
with vary large red ripe Apples I thought there was
hundreds of Bushels so ripe that they must be used up
in order to save them I was making preperations to
make them into cider when I awoke. An express came in
last night bringing the reports of the court they are mad at
the governors Proclamation
~ Thursday
^31st^ I herd the report of the doings of the court Judge Cradlebaugh threat
ened to arest Gov Cummings they came near a collission some
boys threw stones at the centinels they reported that to the com-
mander [who] gave orders oif any more was flung to fire in the direction
and if the fire was returned to kill all the prisioners immediately
it seems a difficult matter to keep from having a collision
betwen the citizens and troops.
I attended the funeral of Sister Woolley. A large congre-
gation assembled, there was also President H. C. Kimball
& D H Wells presient also O. Prat W Woodruff J. Taylor G. A. SmithE. T. Benson & Erastus Snow, also Bishop Hunter
Hunter & many Bishops & Elders they sung "O My Father thou
that dwellest" O Pratt Prayed. Another Hymn was sung
Elder O. Pratt then addressed the People. And said what
I may say I do not know, but I hope I may be led to say
what will be for the best. Since I came here my eyes have
been saluted with one thing, and that is that death has power
over all thing, that we see. we are called upon to part with
our best friends and have them taken away from us what
we now see in death, and what has happened from the Beginning
in like manner will all the millions who now dwell upon the
whole Earth will be called to pass through the same change. If we
had no knowled[g]e of God we should feel vary diferent from what
we now do. If we thought our bodies would lie in the dust and
never be raised again we should have great cause to mourn
~ Wednesday
March 30th
Brother Meeks got in from Provo last night reported that
the Judges & Armey were vary mad at the Extra. The proclamation had Just arived but not circulated when he
left. They had privately examined Durfee and he had
tried to implicate President Young and this is what our
Enemies have been trying to hier some one to do a long
time. But their is not a man in the world who can
sware in truth that President Young advised anyone
to murder any body he has always advised evry man
when he has advised at all not to shed Blood except in
self defence. It is a vary cold day I wrote some today
to Lorenzo Snow. It is rumoured to day that Col Johnson
has 100 deserters in Irons in his camp and he had one
man whiped 120 lashes on the bare back who swore he
would kill the man who sentenced him to be whiped as
soon as he got a chance, we learned that the snow was
vary deep south and their had been No communication with
any settlement south of Fillmore for several weeks
I had two dreams last night. I dreamed of having a terrible
[FIGURE] battle with a rattle snake he tried to bite me all over
but did not seem to hurt me after I awoke I again fell
[FIGURE] asleep & and dreamed that I had an orchard of several
acres of Appletrees and I thought the ground was covered
with vary large red ripe Apples I thought there was
hundreds of Bushels so ripe that they must be used up
in order to save them I was making preperations to
make them into cider when I awoke. An express came in
last night bringing the reports of the court they are mad at
the governors Proclamation
~ Thursday
I herd the report of the doings of the court Judge Cradlebaugh threat
ened to arest Gov Cummings they came near a collission some
boys threw stones at the centinels they reported that to the commander who gave ordersif any more was flung to fire in the direction
and if the fire was returned to kill all the prisioners immediately
it seems a difficult matter to keep from having a collision
between the citizens and troops.
[FIGURE] I attended the funeral of Sister Woolley. A large congregation assembled, there was also President H. C. Kimball
& D H Wells presient also O Pratt W Woodruff J. TaylorG. A. SmithE. T. Benson & Erastus Snow, also Bishop Hunter
Hunter & many Bishops & Elders they sung "O My Father thou
that dwellest." O Pratt Prayed. Another Hymn was sung
Elder O. Pratt then addressed the People. And said what
I may say I do not know, but I hope I may be led to say
what will be for the best. Since I came here my eyes have
been saluted with one thing, and that is that death has power
over all things that we see. we are called upon to part with
our best friends and have them taken away from us what
we now see in death, and what has happened from the Beginning
in like manner will all the millions who now dwell upon the
whole Earth will be called to pass through the same change. If we
had no knowledge of God we should feel vary diferent from what
we now do. If we thought our bodies would lie in the dust and
never be raised again we should have great cause to mourn
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," March 30, 1859 - March 31, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 5, 2025,