^*considerd to be 300 feet above the level of the Illinois
river three persons dug into the mound & found
a dody [body] Elder Milton Holmes took the arrow out of the
back bones that killed Zelph & brought it with some
of the bones in to the camp, I visited the same
mound with Jesse ^J^ Smith who the other persons were
that dug in the mound & found the body I am
and several of the brethren dug into it and
took from it the bones of a man Brother
Joseph had a vission respecting the person
he said he was a white Lamanite the
curs was taken from him or at least
in part he was killed in battle with an
arrow the arrow was found among his
ribs, one of his thigh bones was broken
this was done by a stone flung from
a sling in battle years before his death
his name was Zelph some of his bones
were brought into the camp and the thigh
bone which was broken was put into my
waggon and I carried it to Missouri
Zelph was a large thick set man
and a man of God he was a warrior
under the great prophet ^Onandagus^ that was known
from the hill Camorah ^or east sea^ to the Rocky mo
untains. The above knowledge Joseph
receieved in a vision &
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