Day in the Life

Feb 14, 1835

Journal Entry

February 14, 1835 ~ Saturday

On the evening of this day I was sudde
nly called to a house of mourning which
was Mr Alexander Akeman's he had walk'd
out of his house and drop'd dead upon the
ground in a few moments all his sons
and daughters were present it was truly
a time of Mourning Mr Akeman had
belonged to the Church of Christ his wife
died strong in the faith in Jackson
Mr Akeman was through the persecution
in Jackson County in consequence
of which he moved to pope Co Arkansaw
Territory where he met his death ^i[n] a sudden
manner im^m^ediately after denying the faith of the Latter day Saints^


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

This was an important day to me. In company with Brother Brown I took my ax and went into the woods to help Brother Hubbel clear some land. we continued choping untill 3 oclock in the Afternoon, the spirit of the Lord came upon me like a rushing mighty wind & the voice of the spirit said to me go up again & visit Mr Akeman again bear testimony unto him of the truth of the Book of Mormon & the work of God. I marvelled at this I told Brother Brown what the spirit said to me. He said I might go if I wished but He should not. I carried my Ax to the House & walked up to Mr Akemans about 1 1/2 miles through a plesant grove meditating upon this strange operation of the spirit onto me & was in a deep gloomy frame of mind and thought as I approached the House I saw the door open and Mr Akeman walking the floor I felt particularly impressed to ask if he was well He said he never felt better in health. I told him I had come to again bear testimony unto him of the truth of the Book of Mormon & the work of God and the danger of opposing that work. He soon was filled with wrath & indignation and He opp[os]ed me in the storongest tearms and raged against the leaders of the Church, my mouth was more closed up than before I felt that the house was filled with devils & awful darkness I felt Horreaibly

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

^[FIGURE]^ I did not understand why the Lord should send me into the midst of such spirits to bear testimony of his work I felt vary strangely my tongue was glued to my mouth I could not speak I arose to my feet to leave the House. I felt as though the floor moved under my feet & when I stoped upon the ground I felt that I was surrounded with devils and I felt like fleeing as Lot did when He went out of Sodom, without looking behind me. [Genesis 19:17] Mr Akeman followed me out of the door close to my heels about 8 rods without either of us speaking I knew he was following close to me when about 8 rods from the House this strange feeling left me in the twinkling of an Eye and when Mr Akeman got to the place where this feeling left me he fell dead at my feet as though he had been struck with a thunderbolt from Heaven I herd him fall to the Earth, but I was so agitated I did not look behind me at all his daughter stood in the door way saw him fall she fainted & fell at the same time & neither of them spoke a word that I could hear, I continued to walk down to Mr Hubbels as fast as I could meditating upon the strange dealings of God with me still not knowing that Mr Akeman was dead. I arived at Mr Hubbels Just at dark in a peculiar state of Mind. supper was ready we all sat down to the table blessing was asked I took up my knife & fork to commence eating and I herd a horse coming upon a full run I droped my knife & fork & listened, a man rode up to our door and cryed out Mr Akeman is dead I want you to go there immediately. In a moment my eyes were open to under- stand the whole subject I felt satisfied with the dealings of God with me in calling me to go & warn him as soon as his daughter came to her senses she ran to her nearest brothers & gave the alarm we walked up to the house as soon as we could when we arived there we found all of his sons in the house around his body wailing in an awful manner. he was naturally a large man but when we come to see his dead body it was swollen to a great extent it appeared as though his skin was ready to crack open & he was as black as an Affrican. We immediately went to work & made a large box and put him into it I continued to think of my dream

Mission - Account of the early part of Southern States Mission, 13 January 1835 - 27 March 1835

This singular dispensation of Providence brough solemnity upon the people, and they began to reflect and wished to hear preaching. We held several meetings and preached, and baptized Mr Hubbell and his wife, who had opened their door and given us a home; and just as we had got the people prepared to received the gospel and anxious to learn, and pleading with us to stay and preach, brother Brown resolved that he would continue his journey south. I was fully satisfied that should we stop, we would bjild up a Church, and was convinced it was our duty to stopl but brother Brown held the office of an Elder, and I submitted. Brother Brown did not baptized another person on the mission.

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

on the & we buried him on the . This clo singular dispensation of providence brought solemnity upon the people & they began to reflect & wished to hear preaching, we held several meetings & preached to the people we baptized a Mr Hubbel & his wife aged people who had opened their doors & given us a home & just as we had got the people prepared to receive the Gospel & anxious to learn & pleading with us to stay & preach, Brother Brown resolved that he would continue his journey south. I was fully satisfied that should we stop we should build up a Church, & I was convinced it was our duty to stop but Brother Brown held the office of an Elder I a priest & we were travelling together upon a mission, & I felt that I must subject to those over me in the priesthood, so I submitted. This is an error which many have committed in this Church who were sent as missionaries to the world, as soon as they get doors open & a people prepared to receive the gospel they go away & leave them we left this people with tears in their eyes we left & Brother Brown did not baptize another person during his whole southern

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

in laying him out, and burying him; he died , and

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

him. He died . This singular dispensation of Provi- dence brought solemnity upon the people, and they began to reflect and wished to hear preaching. We held several meetings and preached, and baptized Mr. Hubbel and his wife, who had opened their doors and given us a home; and just as we had got the people prepared to receive the Gospel and anxious to learn, and plead- ing with us to stay and preach, bro- Brown resolved that he would con- tinue his journey south. I was fully satisfied that should we stop, we would built up a Church, and was convinced it was our duty to stop; but brother Brown held the office of an Elder, and I submitted. Brother Brown did not baptize ano- ther person on the mission. (To be continued.)

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

and burying him. He died . This singular dispensation of Providence brought solemnity upon the people, and they began to reflect and wished to hear preaching. We held several meetings and preached, and baptized Mr. Hubbel and his wife, who had opened their doors and given us a home; and just as we had got the people prepared to re- ceive the gospel, and anxious to learn and pleading with us to stay and preach, br. Brown realized that he would continue his journey south. I was fully satisfied that should we stop, we would build up a church, and was con- vinced it was our duty to stop, but br. Brown held the office of an Elder and I submitted. Br. Brown did not baptize another person on the mission.

Daybook (13 January 1835 - 26 November 1836)

On the evening of this day I was suddenly called to a house of mourning which was Mr Alexander Akemans who had walked out of his house and droped dead upon the ground in a few moments all his Sons and Daughters were present it was truly a time of Mourning Mr Akeman had belonged to the Church of Christ his wife died strong in the faith in Jackson County Mr Akeman was through the persecution in Jackson Co in consequence of which he mooved to pope Co Arkansas Territory whare he met his death


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Feb 14, 1835