Day in the Life

Feb 28, 1835

Journal Entry

February 28, 1835 ~ Saturday

preached at Brother Hubbel house


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Hubble, Jonathan
abt. 1786-aft. 1845

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Family - Written on the death of Calvin Foss, 1837

[FIGURE] Written on the Death of Calvin Foss a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints who DIED Aged 37 Solemn was the call. Sudden came the voice from that God in whose hands are found the destinies of men & at whose command goes forth the issues of life & death. What was the call, for Calvin to depart from ^exchange^ the scenes of life for the realms of bliss {[now] is he gone has Calvin fled away far since the origins of the year have gone by [illegible shorthand] Calvin he} Had health or virtue wife or children pass on to same He now might be mingling with his friends And not sleeping in the silent grave Is this mysterious to mortal man Why mysterious it is done by that unseen hand that mooves in wisdom who shall complain. Let even Sarah be resigned and know that it is God let her heart rejoice & soul be glad that her bosom friend from eternal death is safe from temptation & danger delivered. With Christ he dwells, his crown is ^sure^ safe He'll wait the arrival of his wife & children Heaven will protect them while he is gone Had Calvin tarried snares might enroped his feet & his fall secured but now in peace he dw[e]les. O eternal rest how blessed are those that dwell with thee. We cannot we will wish the return of him who inhabits thy abode. But O ye living men, does Calvins abscence merly proove a trifle No methinks it speacks in language lord that thy lost hour will mount the wheels of time ^{for swifter speed}^ to give you thee so sure a summons if not so sudden. Are we prepared if not are we secure judgment must deside our honest doing ^just reward^ while in the presence of him who is eternal. O time how swift thou art, much counted & desired yet how fleeting how fading & transitory these scenes that upon thy wings are borne. O death how soon is thy stroke. Where is he for whom we are called to mourn No longer by him is the fireside ocupied, his family circled by his voice not deemed his seat at the frugal ^meal^ is vacant. earthly friends no more his face beholds. Whare is he often low in the grave guarded ownly by the fragrant flower the drifted snow & chilling blast ages entombed whare all mortality must find a bed Calvin whare are these hours that idely smiled on thee that cheered the partner of thy heart that cherished the esprings of thy care They are gone some fled forever engulf in eternity & borne their report to heaven. But first, me thinks the spirit whispers they have borne most wellcome news aye having friends morne not for him as those that mourne without hope All is well with him fo[r] hes gone to dwell with christ in glory he'll appear this friends to greet who have prooved themselves the friends of God. This providence portrays before the living that man cannot protect himself or work from the destroying hand of time or the powerful arm of Death arest then wisdom ergo prepare time to God, each moment as in "Shes gone to him; the Son of man cometh in an hour me think not. [Matthew 24:44] Death may overtake us as sudden as him of whom we speak But welcome to him is death whose need from crime, & by the stroke delivered from eternal death & secures an immortal inheritance with him who dwells in peace. Sarah be comforted be resigned to him who spoke who called & who has delivered while dangers sound the call look upward first in a friend Divine save thy crown all will be well with thee as with thy companion with him again ther will meet & enjoy superior blessings to the prime- val scenes of felicity or to repose beneath the blisful shades of the trees of paradise to repose [FIGURE] To live is Christ to die is gain is the faith of an Apostle, to whom is it gain to the saint the promise stands some. O Saint what glories crown thy head what knowledge fills thy mind what celestial joys rebrates thy soul while with Judahs Lion [Genesis 49:9] then doth desend on earth to reign. Is this a tedious No one God himself shall not to the slaughter lead not to his enemies submitting but with clouds of fire consuming in a tempestous forum says Daniel in strains of realif, he com- es, at his presence blind Ambitions flees earthly knows terrestrial crow n's annihilate monarchs & kingdoms tremble while Devel morns for loss WILLFOR[D]. [Daniel 7:9-10]

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

closed the week and the month an on this day we preached at brother Hubbal's house

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

We Preached at Brother Hubbels House

Daybook (13 January 1835 - 26 November 1836)

Preached at Brother Hubbel's house


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Feb 28, 1835