Day in the Life

Mar 8, 1835

Journal Entry

March 08, 1835 ~ Sunday

On the Lords day preached at Mr
John Morse house Brother Henry
and myself visited the top of the high bluff
at the Dardanell and engraved our
names in the rock this place is the
station which the Osage Indians
took to view their enemies in war


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Brown, Henry
7 Mar 1808 - 24 Apr 1852
Morse, John Julian
abt. 1785-aft. 1843


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Daybook (13 January 1835 - 26 November 1836)
March 8 On the Lords day preached at Mr John Morse house
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
Sunday , I preached at the house of Mr Morse. On this day brother Brown and I went to the top of an high bluff at the Dardenells and engraved our names on the rock This is the high station which the Osage Indians chose to look for their enemies in time of war. It is several hundred feet perpendicular from the base and it is said that the Indians formerly flung their prisoners down the precipiece where they were dashed to pieces. We threw rocks down in experiment and found that by the great force of their fall they broke off large trees in the valley beneath. We continued to labour for Mr Sangrain and saw some dangerous reptiles while here such as the tarantula and [blank] wich are very numerous in Arkansas;
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
Sunday I preached at the house of Mr John Morse. Brother Brown & myself visited the top of the high Bluffs at the dardanells & engraved our names in the rock. This is the high station which the Osage Indians chose to look for their Enemies in time of war it is several hundred feet perpendicular to the ground below & it is said that the Indians formerly flung their prisioners down this precipice where they were dashed to peaces


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Mar 8, 1835