Day in the Life

Sep 21, 1835

Journal Entry

September 21, 1835 ~ Monday

21st Rode to Paris distance 10 miles spent the
day in reading Owens & Campbells debate sent A
Letter to Elder John Whitmer at Kirtland


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Campbell, Alexander
12 Sep 1788 - 4 Mar 1866
5 mentions
Historical Figure
Whitmer, John
27 Aug 1802 - 11 Jul 1878
Owen, Robert
4 mentions
Historical Figure


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Letter to the Messenger and Advocate, 21 September 1835

Ten. . I have continued my labors, principally among the churches, since the departure of Elder W. Parrish: and have baptized four.– There are many sick in this part of the land, and some are dying. The saints in the south wish to be remembered before the Lord by the saints in the north; whom we love for the truth's sake, &c. W. WOODRUFF.

Daybook (Appointment Book with 1836 Daybook)

Sept 21 Sent a lettor to John Whitmer Sept 21st 18365 Sent 5 subscribers for M & Ad.

Daybook (13 January 1835 - 26 November 1836)

Rode to PARIS distance 10 miles Spent the day in reading Owen's & Campbell's debate sent A letter dated 21 to Elder John Whitmer at Kirtland sent 5 subscribers & 4 baptised

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

Rode 10 miles to Paris worote a Letter to John Whitmer. I read the Debate of Campbel and Owen

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

During the period from the 16th of August to the 21st of September I continued as usual travelling and preaching, several times of which was at the Academy of Col. Copeland where I had frequently preached to large congregations. I had also administered sacrament received a letter from Elder Parrish baptized Mary Clapp and ordained James Young to the office of Deacon On the 21st I rode 10 miles to Paris and wrote a letter to John Whitmore and read the Debate of Campbell and

Sep 21, 1835