Day in the Life

Feb 26, 1836

Journal Entry

February 26, 1836 ~ Friday

Feb 26, 1836 Met in conference at Br Lewis Clapps on
Taropen Calaway Co KY. according to appointment
& proceded to order Elder Willford Woodruff
was called to the chair & Elder Daniel Cathcart
appointed secretary the conference was opened
by Prayer by President Woodruff. Elders Present
Willford Woodruff, Elias F Wells & Daniel Cathcart
Teachers Benjamin Clapp, Daniel Thomas, & Deacon
Abram O Smoot, Presd't Woodruff arose & red the
the covenants of the Church & commented some upon
it after which a voice was taken upon ordinations
of some ones who came foreward for ordination

And it was carried by a clear voice after which
Presdt Woodruff Proceded to ordain Abram
O Smoot
Elder & Benjamin Boydstun Elder &
Daniel Thomas & Benjamin Clapp Priest's &
James Allen Teacher & Henry Thomas &
John Camp Deacons. After Which seven branches
of the Church was represented Presdt Woodruff
represented, one Branch on Egle Creek Benton, Tenn
15 in good standing one at Chalk Level 21
in good standing Benton Co Tenn one on Cyprus
in Benton Co. Tenn 9 in good standing one
called the Academy branch in Henry County Tenn
8 in good standing one on Bloody river Henry
Co Tenn 11 in good standing one on Taropen in
Calloway Co KY 24 in good standing. Damonds
branch KY 8 in good standing & represented
7 remaining members scattered abroad all in good
standing the whole number 103 members in good
standing. We then Proceded to appoint a conference
at Br Seth Utley's Chalk Level Benton Co Tenn on
Saturday & Sunday the 28, 29 of May closed
by Prayer by Elder Abram O Smoot

After conference closed we had an intermision
of 30 minits & met again when Elder Cathcart
taught the Church the word of wisdom I followed
him upon the same subject which closed the duties
of the Day After dividing our circuit in the following
manner Elders Cathcart & Boydstun labour
together in KY & Elders Woodruff & Smoot
labour together in Ten. & Elder Wells take A
mishion by himself & all to meet at the Academy
near Col Copelands Tenn on the 3rd of Aprail 1836


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
583 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Boydston, Benjamin
13 Sep 1776 - 1 Apr 1851
40 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Clapp, Benjamin Lynn
19 Aug 1814 - 21 Oct 1865
141 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Cathcart, Daniel
10 Aug 1803 - 14 Nov 1873
Thomas, Daniel Stillwell
15 Mar 1803 - 27 Jun 1878
59 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
32 mentions
Thomas, Henry (Jr.)
abt. 1797-1880
35 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Allen, James
14 Aug 1806 - 16 Sep 1886
23 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Camp, John
abt. 1804-bef. 1876
35 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Clapp, Lewis
aft. 1759-aft. 1835
23 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Utley, Seth
7 Oct 1789 - 15 Aug 1866
67 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Copeland, Solomon
1799-bef. 1846
73 mentions
1835 Southern Convert

Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

in the year 1836 until when we held our first conference of the Southern Churches at which I presided. Upon a vote being Btaken for their ordination I proceeded to ordain Abraham O. Smoot Benjamin Boydstun Elders; Daniel Thomas and Benjamin Clapp priests and Henry Thomas and John Camp Deacons: after which seven Branches were represented comprising 103 members seven of whom were scattered. Towards the middle of AprMarch Elder Abraham O Smoot commenced travelling with me to preach the Gospel

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine

On the we held a conference at the house of Brother Lewis Clapp (father of B. L. Clapp). There were represented one hundred and three members in that mission. I ordained A. O. Smoot and Benjamin Boyston elders, and Daniel Thomas and Benja-

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal

On the we held a conference at the house of Brother Lewis Clapp (father of B. L. Clapp). There were represented one hundred and three members in that mission. I ordained A. O. Smoot and Benjamin Boyston Elders, and Daniel Thomas and Benjamin L. Clapp Priests. I also ordained one Teacher and two Deacons.

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

Calaway County, Kentucky, ^on the ^ I ordained A O. Smoot & Benjamin Boydston Elders & Daniel Thomas & Benjamin Clapp to the office of a priest Brothers Smoot & Clapp both entered into the labour of the ministry Elder Smoot freequently accompanied me upon my mission

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

at a conference held at bro. B. L. Clapp's in Callaway Co., Ky., I ordained A. O. Smoot & Benj. Boydston E^e^lders and B. L. Clapp & Dan. Thomas priests. Bros. Smoot & Clapp both entered into the labors of the ministry. Elder Smoot frequently accompanied me on my mission. Elder D. W. Patten returned to Tennessee, in april, and joined us in our labors, accompanied by his wife, it was a happy meeting, he related to me the blessings he had received in Kirtland during the endowments; we travelled and labored together; persecution raged against us; Elder Patten bore a strong and forcible testimony unt of ^to^ ^of^ the work of God, and when we were opposed by mobs he would rebuke them in great plainness; we were threatened, but not injured; the sick were frequently healed under our administrations.

Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)

Feb 26, 1836 Met in conference at Brother Lewis Clapps on Taropen Calaway Co KY. according to Appointment & proceded to order Elder Wilford Woodruff was called to the chair and Daniel Cathcart appointed Secratary. the conference was was opened by Prayer by President Woodruff. Elders Present Willford Woodruff, Elias F Wells, Daniel Cathcart Teachers Benjamin Clapp Daniel Thonas & Deacon Abram O Smoot President Woodruff arose & re^a^d the covenant of the Church & commented some upon it after which a voice was taken upon ordinations of some ones who came foreward for ordination & it was carried by A clear voice after which President Woodruff proceded to ordain Abram O Smoot Elder & Benjamin Boydsto^n^ Elder. Daniel Thonas & Benjamin Clapp Priests & James Allen Teacher & Henry Thomas & John Camp Deacons

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

—At a Conference held at Brother B. L. Clapp's, in Callaway county, Kentucky, I or- dained A. O. Smoot and Benjamin Boydston, Elders, and B. L. Clapp and Daniel Thomas, Priests. Brothers Smoot and Clapp both entered into the labors of the ministry. Elder Smoot frequently accompanied me on my mission. Elder D. W. Patten returned to Tennessee in April, and joined us in our labors, accompanied by his wife. It was a happy meeting. He related to me the blessings he had received in Kirt- land during the endowments. We travelled and labored together; perse- cution raged against us. Elder Pat- ten bore a strong and forcible testi- mony of the Work of God; and when we were opposed by mobs, he would rebuke them in great plainness; we were threatened, but not injured. The sick were healed under our admini- strations.

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

—At a conference held at br. B. L. Clapp's, in Callaway county, Kentucky, I ordained A. O. Smoot and Benjamin Boyd- ston Elders, and B. L. Clapp and Daniel Thomas Priests. Brs. Smoot and Clapp both entered into the labors of the ministry. Elder Smoot frequent- ly accompanied me on my mission. Elder D. W. Patten returned to Tennessee in April, and joined us in our labors, accompanied by his wife. It was a happy meeting. He related to me the blessings he had received in Kirtland during the endowments. We traveled and la- bored together; persecution raged against us. Elder Patten bore a strong and forcible testi- mony of the work of God, and when we were opposed by mobs he would rebuke them in great plainness; we were threatened, but not injured. The sick were healed under our ad- ministrations.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford called to be a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy at age 29.

Feb 26, 1836