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Day in the Life

Jun 10, 1836

Journal Entry

June 10, 1836 ~ Friday

10th Took the Parting hand with Elders Wells & Boydstun
as on this morning Br Wells started for Kirtland
I also took the Parting hand with Elders Patten &
Parish who was going to middle Tennessee while
I & Elder Smoot labour in KY & meet at the conference


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
556 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Boydston, Benjamin
13 Sep 1776 - 1 Apr 1851
40 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Patten, David Wyman
14 Nov 1799 - 25 Oct 1838
136 mentions
33 mentions
Parrish, Warren Farr
10 Jan 1803 - 3 Jan 1877
186 mentions


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Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)
10 Took the parting hand with Elders Wells & Boydoton as on this morning. Br Wells started for Kirtland I also took the Parting hand with Elders Patten & Parrish who was going to middle Tennessee while I & Elder Smoot labour in KY & meet at the conference


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford called to be a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy at age 29.

Jun 10, 1836