I also on this Wrote a Letter to Presi
dent O Cowdery Kirtland Ohio containing one subsc
criber for M & Ad & $2 dollars for M & Ad this Letter
contained the substance of the two Letters I mailed for
Kirtland Dated March 12, 1836 which we suppose
are lost I sent this Letter & money by the hand of
Elder Elias F Wells who was going direct to Kirtland
& may God give him a safe return
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May 31, 1836 ~ Tuesday Spent this 31st DAY of MAY at Br Fry Eagle Creek and found it to be the most interesting, important & instructive day of my LIFE. For on this Glorious DAY I was ordained unto the High Priesthood and also as one of the second seventy & sealed up unto Eternal LIFE under the hands of my Beloved Brethren VIZ Elders David W Patten & Warren Parrish my ordination was requested by the PRESIDENCY of the church at Kirtland Ohio Their was glorious things Pronounced upon my head in my ordination by the spirit of Prophecy & Reve lation some I will mention which are as follows That although my enemies would strive to take my life & confine me in dungeons & Prisons yet God should give me power over my enemies & deliver me out of their hands & from their vaults, prisons, & caves in the name of Jesus Christ. & that men would bow at my feet & worship me if I did not say to them do it not & that Kings would bow before me & Princes give me their hand & that I should Baptize them into the Kingdom of God & that I should be blessed on the EARTH When my head blossomed with age & if I desired it I should remain on the Earth untill the comeing of the Savior & that God would give me the desire of my heart & that God had had his eye upon me all my life long to prepare me for this work YEA {even when my spirit was playing around the throne of God in eternity} that I shou ld travel to the nations of the Eearth & the Islands of the sea to Proclam the word of God. When these and other blessings were Pronounced Upon my head I was filled with the Power & Spirit of God.
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