Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star
On the , I went to a Baptist
meeting-house, on Thompson's creek,
to preach; the house was crowded.
As I rose to speak, a Baptist priest,
Mr. Browning, arrived at the door on
horseback, and stepped in greatly
agitated, and told the deacon to forbid
my preaching in the house, at the
same time commenced a tirade of
abuse against the "Mormons," telling
several lies, which I corrected before
the people, which increased his rage.
As I was forbidden to preach in the
house, and had been invited, and tra-
velled many miles to fulfil my ap-
pointment, I told the people I would
like to preach, and was willing to
stand on a wood pile, a fence, a cart,
or any place they would appoint. A
man rose and said he owned the land
in front of the meeting-house, and I
might stand and preach on that, and
welcome. All the congregation, with
the exception of the minister and one
deacon, arose and left the house,
walked across the street, and formed
seats of a worm fence, and gave good
attention while I preached for an hour
and-a-half, on the principles of the
When I closed, Mr. Randolph Alex-
ander, who had never heard a "Mor-
mon" Elder speak before, said, the
people of the present day made him
think of a pen of hogs; the keeper
would make a trough, and pour into
it hot or cold water, dish water, or
anything else, and they would drink
it; but let a stranger come along, and
pour over a basket of corn on the back
side of the pen, and the hogs would
be frightened, and run and snort all
over the pen. He said it was so with
the people; the priests would feed
them with any kind of doctrine, no
matter how false, the people will
swallow it down; but let a stranger
come and preach the Gospel of Jesus
Christ, which will save the people, as
Mr. Woodruff has done, and the peo-
ple are afraid of him.
Mr. Alexander invited me home,
bought a Book of Mormon, and was
soon baptized, and several others
followed his example.