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Day in the Life

Jul 1, 1836

Journal Entry

July 01, 1836 ~ Friday

July 1st Preached at Mr David Criders & spent the night
with Elder Smoot at a Baptist Pri^e^st's A Mr Bradford a
Predestinarian though rather inclining to the faith of
Mr Hunt a fanatic who called himself Moses and [called]
Bradford Aaron Hunts visitors were speckled birds
it is said


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51 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
556 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Crider, David
28 Mar 1804 - 25 Sep 1877
18 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Hunt, Hardy
3 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
3 mentions
188 mentions
Scriptural Figure

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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 1
Elder After preaching at a Mr David Criders myself and Elder Smoot spent the night at the house of a Baptist Priest by name Bradford. He was a predestinarian but what was more remarkable he was also inclined to the faith of a Mr Hunt who claimed to be Moses. I make record of this because others in these days of false Christs and false prophets have put forth the extravagent claim to be Moses the Prophet come again.
Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)
July 1st Preached at Mr David Criders and spent the night with Elder Smoot at a Baptist Priest's a Mr Bradford a Predestinarian though rather inclining to the faith of Mr Hunt a fanatic who called himself Moses & (Bradford) Aaron (Hunts visitors were speckled birds it is said


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Jul 1, 1836