Day in the Life

Aug 5, 1837

Journal Entry

August 05, 1837 ~ Saturday

5 Walked to SACO Mane population about 4000 from
thence to Brother Edward Millicken & spent the night 21 m[iles]


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Milliken, Edward
5 Nov 1802 - 15 Feb 1887
8 mentions
Maine Mission


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Letter from Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 5 August 1837
Scarborough Dear Willford I have sent to the Office a number of times since you left here hopeing and almost fearing that I should receive a line from you. I say fearing lest it would say that you was not about returning as I have been pleaseing myselfe with the I idea that I should soon see you again although I have felt anxious even to hear from. If you reco^l^lect you mentioned not writing if your stay was short–but let me say that your epistle came to hand last eve and met with a pleasing reception. I perused its contents and was truly rejoiced to hear of your good health and spirits likewise of your prosperity in the cause of Christ and that the Spirit of God attended you and brother Hale and opened the way before you booth temporally and spiritually as I felt verry anxious about you knowing your circumstances and that your temporal meanes were verry limited. Well we will acknowedge this to be another proof that the Lord is not unmindful of his servants and all that put their trust in him. He is able and will give us that which is best for us, although the way seames verry dark before us sometimes, yet he sees fa^r^ther than we do. After reading your letter I [fe]lt encouraged and satisfied to have you about your masters business although I have felt some lonely and would like much to see you and enjoy your company, yet I think that it will be much better for us both to be in the place appointed to us by God, if it is to be separated a while than to be elsewhere. Willford I per- cieve that the day is at hand when the salvation of souls and a seat in the celestial kingdom of God will be of more value than the shining ore which many spend their whole time and talents in persuite of in this life– therefore I hope that you will ever be diligent in keeping the commands of God and in dischargeing your duty fai- thfully to this gene[r]ation that you may be the sooner discharged from your warfare and be permited to dwell (with one in whose affections you share largely) in peace and with the approbation of heaven saying “I have fought the good fight I have finised my course I have kept the faith” &c&. If we seek first the kingdon of heaven we have the promis of all things being added to us–yet my heart will sometime distrust providence I then take a review of the dealings of God towards me and the promises left on reco- rd for those who keep the commands of God. this stimulates me to diligence and persevereance and to try to endure to the end and then obtain a crown which I trust is laid up for me if faithful. I find it to be rather hard liveing here spir- itually as there is much darkness and opposition in these regions but my faith is as strong in the gospel of Christ as ever and I think if I keep close to the rod of iron


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Aug 5, 1837