Day in the Life

Aug 19, 1837

Journal Entry

August 19, 1837 ~ Saturday

19th We took the steam boat Bangor at 11 AM for fox Islands. We
arived at Owls Head at sun set, left the boat & went on shore fare
$3 distance 85 miles. {Retired to a grove and prayed}. We went aboard of a sloop and
crossed to fox Islands 10 miles arived at 2 oclock in the morning of the [20th] ^95 miles^


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Daybook (18 August 1837 - 11 October 1837)

19th we went abord the Steamer Bangor at 11AM for fox Islands to {[shorthand]} {[shorthand]} we arived at Owls Head at sunset ^fare $3 distance 85 miles^ {[shorthand]} We went aboard of a small sloop & crossed to fox Islands 10 miles fare 75 cts arived at fox Islands at 2 oclock in the morning

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

——We took the steamer Bangor 85 miles to Owl's Head, where we arrived at sunset, without means to prosecute our journey further. We retired to a high hill, and bowed before the Lord, and prayed that he would open our way; the spirit of the Lord rested upon us, and testified unto us that our prayers would be answered. As we arose from our knees, a sloop came into the harbor; we went to the captain, and enquired where he was going; he replied, through the channel of Vinal Haven; he took us on board and landed us on North Fox Islands, at 2 a.m. on the

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

— . — We took the steamer Bangor 85 miles to Owl's Head, where we arrived at sun- set, without means to prosecute our journey further. We retired to a high hill, and bowed before the Lord, and prayed that he would open our way; the Spirit of the Lord rested upon us, and testified unto us that our prayers would be answered. As we arose from our knees, a sloop came into the harbor; we went to the captain, and enquired where he was going; he replied, through the channel of Vinal Haven; he took us on board and landed us on North Fox Islands, at 2 a.m., on the

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

and spent the night at Mr Samuel Hales. we took the steemer Bangor rode 85 miles to Owls Head where we arived at sun set we went on shore. we had no conveyance to Fox Islands or money to pay our fare except a $3 broaker bank bill. we wento onto a high hill and bowed before the Lord and prayed that he would open our way and the spirit of the Lord rested upon us and testified unto us that our prayers would be answered as we arose from our knees a sloop came into the harbor, we immedia- tely ^we^ went to the ^Captain^ and inquired where ^he^ they were was going they ^He said^ told us they was going to through the Channel of Vinal Haven we asked them for a passage and told them we had no money except $3 on a broaker bank they said they would take us we ^He gave us a passage^ went on board they set sail and landed us on North Fox Islands at 2 oclock

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

We took the steamer Bangor & rode 85 miles to Owls head, where we arrived at sunset, without means to prosecute our journey further, we retired to a high hill, and bowed before the Lord and prayed that he would open our way, the spirit of the Lord rested upon us, and testified unto us that our prayers would be answered; as we arose from our knees a sloop came into the harbor, we went to the Captain and enquired where he was going, he replied, through the channel of vinal Haven; he took us on board and landed us on North Fox Islands, at 2 a.m.


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Aug 19, 1837