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Day in the Life

Sep 11, 1837

Journal Entry

September 11, 1837 ~ Monday

11th Spent the day visiting friends found many believing the gospel
returned to Br J Eames. I accompanied several friends to the meeting
house in the evening to hear Mr Douglass preach, a methodist priest.
He took his text in 1st Thess. 5:21. He then commenced open war
against the Book of Mormon & our principles, after doing all he could
& but little at that, he took the Book of Mormon in his hand, and with an
out stretched arm declared he feared none of the judgments of God that

should come upon him for rejecting that Book as being the word of
&c. I took the minutes of his discours & when he closed I arose
and informed the people I would hold a meeting at the meetinghouse
on Sunday and answer his objections. I however rectifyed some of
his mistakes in his presence. Spent the night with Brother Eames. 7 m[iles]


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Ames, Justus
14 Oct 1789 - 5 Jun 1861
61 mentions
Douglass, William Stuart
12 Dec 1799 - 16 Jun 1882
54 mentions


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& seventies, esspecially, Kimble, Hide, Goodson & others in England. Of Page & Blakesley on Canida & many others we thought and spake of. While filled with these meditations, & the Promises of GOD, we fell upon our knees and thanked the God of heaven, & Prayed for all Israel, not forgetting the Church of Latter Day Saints, head nor foot. We plead with God for Joseph, & for all the Elders and members, esspecially our wives. Our souls rejoiced, & we went our way with glad hearts. Will not the rememberance of these things, remain forever, esspecially untill our heads are silver'd o'er with age. Tell it unto your childrens children.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I preached in the school house No. 2. the spirit of God rested upon me. I spent the night at Mr John Smith's & I dreamed of seeing the great Draggon or beast with all of his heads and horns to the number of six hundred three score and six. He was about 20 rods in length with many riding upon his back without fear or alarm
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Daybook (18 August 1837 - 11 October 1837)
11th Sept Spent the day visiting friends found many believing the gospel returned to Brother J. Eames I accompanied several friends to the meeting house at candle light to hear Mr Douglass preach, a methodist priest he took his text in 1st Thess. 5:21st & then commenced open wasr against the Book of Mormon & our principles After doing all he could & but little at that he took the Book of Mormon in his hand & declaired he was not afraid of the judgments of God for rejecting that Book or the work. I took the minutes of his discours, & when he closed I arose & informed the people I would hold a meet ing in the meeting house on Sunday & answer his objections. I however rectifyed some of his mistakes in his presens. I spent the night at Brother Eames distance 7 miles


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Sep 11, 1837