Day in the Life

Sep 17, 1837

Journal Entry

September 17, 1837 ~ Sunday

17 Sunday I went to the Baptist meeting house, & there ^met^ a large congregation
assembled from both Islands. I dwelt upon the subject that Mr Douglass
handled against the Book of Mormon and our principals. I Preached 2 1/2 hou-
rs and answered avery objection brought against us or the Book.
After meeting Elder Hale Baptized a female. I met the people
again & preached the gospel unto them. Spent the night with Br Eames


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Hale, Jonathan Harriman
1 Feb 1800 - 4 Sep 1846
154 mentions
Ames, Justus
14 Oct 1789 - 5 Jun 1861
61 mentions
Maine Mission
Douglass, William Stuart
12 Dec 1799 - 16 Jun 1882
54 mentions
Maine Mission


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I preached in the school house No. 2. the spirit of God rested upon me. I spent the night at Mr John Smith's & I dreamed of seeing the great Draggon or beast with all of his heads and horns to the number of six hundred three score and six. He was about 20 rods in length with many riding upon his back without fear or alarm
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Daybook (18 August 1837 - 11 October 1837)

17th Sunday. I went to the Baptist meeting house & there ^met^ a large congregation assembled from both Islands. I took up the objections of Mr Douglass against the Book of mormon and our principles I Preached 2 1/2 hours & answered every objection brought against us or the Book after meeting Elder Hale baptized one female. We then met again & I preached to them upon the gospel spent the night at Eames

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal

Sunday, the , I met a large assembly from both Islands, and took the same subject that Mr. Douglass had dwelt upon in his remarks against the Book of Mormon and our principles. I spoke two-and-a-half hours, and answered every objection against the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith or our prin- ciples. I had good attention, and the people seemed satisfied. At the close of the meeting Elder Hale administered the ordin- ance of baptism. Mr. Newton, in order to save his cause, went to the main- land and brought over several ministers with him and held a protracted meeting. They hoped by this to stop the work of God, but all to no avail, for the whole people would attend our meeting and receive the word of God, and we continued to baptize. We visited the dwellings of most of the inhabitants during our sojourn there. Upon one occasion, while standing upon Mr. Carver's farm on the east end of the North Island, we counted fifty-five islands in that region, the majority of which were not inhabit- ed. We also saw twenty ships under sail at the same time. We had no lack for food while upon the island, for if we did not wish to trouble our friends for a dinner, we only had to borrow a spade or a hoe and a kettle and go to the beach and dig a peck of clams. These, when boiled, would make a delicious meal, which we often availed ourselves of.

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal Notes 1

I met a large assembly from both Islands in the Baptist Meeting house and took up the same subject that Mr Douglass had dwelt upon against the Book of mormon and our principles I spoke 2 1/2 hours and answered ery every objection against the Book of Mormon or Joseph Smith or our principles I had good attention and the people seemed satisfied at the close of the meeting Elder Hale administered the ordinance of baptism, Mr Newton in order to try to save his cause went to the main land and brought over several ministers with him and held a protracted meeting to try to stop the work of God among the people, but it was of no avail for the whole people would attend our meeting and receive the word of God and we continued to baptize. We visited the dwelling

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine

islands, and on Sunday, the 17th of September, I met a large assembly from both islands, and took the same subject that Mr. Douglass had dwelt upon in his


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Sep 17, 1837