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Day in the Life

Feb 16, 1838

Journal Entry

February 16, 1838 ~ Friday

16th I left the Simonton district in company with Elder Ball & J. Townsend, we repaired to a grove and held
a council and the Holy Ghost said seperate unto me James to the ministry se we ordained Brother James
Townsend unto the office of an Elder we had a good time & the Spirit of God rested upon us although we were
alone in a grove surrounded by a snow storm: we then walked to Br Ames we had an interesting time in the evening
in speaking our feelings to each other distance of the day 3 miles


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15 mentions
Ball, Joseph T.
21 Feb 1804 - 20 Sep 1861
51 mentions


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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 1
I left on the following with Elder Ball and James Towndsend to go a distance of three miles. On our way we repaired to a Grove to hold a Council and the Holy Ghost said Seperate unto ne [me] James for the ministry. So we ordained him to the office of an Elder. Although alone in a Grove and surround with snow we had a good time for the Spirit of God rested upon us. We spent the evening at bro Ames' in an interesting manner by expressing to each other our feelings


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Feb 16, 1838