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Day in the Life

Mar 2, 1838

Journal Entry

March 02, 1838 ~ Friday

2 We spent the fore part of the day in wandering over the city of Bangor we were the first Elders of the Church of
Latter Day Saints that had visited the city or lifted a warning voice to the people we were as great strangers in
the citys of the Gentiles as Abram, Isaac, & Jacob, were in their day {It was truly a gloomy day to our souls} we attended a court in
the City Hall in the afternoon. We met a congregation of citizens at the hour of appointment I Preached upon the
first principles of the gospel {of Christ} and the people listened with attention we spent the night at the Merchants Exchange {[illegible shorthand] house}


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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 1
The forepart of the ^next^ was spent in our wandering over the city of Bangor. We were the first Elders of the Church who visited this city or lifted a warning voice in this place to the people. We were as great strangers in the cities of the Gentiles which we visited as were Abraham Isaac and Jacob in their day. We attended court in the City Hall in the afternoon and in the evening met a congregation of citizens at the hour appointed and preached to them upon the first principles of the Gospel to which the people listened with attention.


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Mar 2, 1838