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Day in the Life

Apr 28, 1838

Journal Entry

April 28, 1838 ~ Saturday

28 We took the parting hand with the Saints at Br Malatiah Luce & left the Island in the morning in an
open sail boat in company with Priest Thomas & Br M Luce the wind being agains us we had to row
hard for 6 miles against wind & water & tide we then changed our course to the SW, & hoisted one sail this
with the help of our ores oares gave us more speed & after rowing & sailing 20 miles we landed at
Owls Head about noon we here took the parting hand with the Brethren & walked to Thomaston & continued
our journey through Warren, WaldoBorough & spent the night at Damariscota Mills distance 40 miles


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On the we left the island in an open sail-boat and made our way to Owl's Head, and then walked twenty miles. The following day we walked forty miles and suffered some with weary limbs and blistered feet, but we felt that

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 1

I left on the morning of the in company of Priest Thomas and brother M. Luce. We went in a sail boat. The wind being against us we had to row hard against both wind and tide for six miles. We then changed our course and hoisted one sail which with the help of one oar gave us more speed and after rowing and sailing 20 miles we landed about noon at Owl's head.

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ON the we left the island in an open sail-boat and made our way to Owl's Head, and then walked twenty miles. The following day we walked forty miles and suffered some with weary limbs and blistered feet, but we felt that it was for the gospel's sake and did not choose to com- plain. The next day a walk of thirty miles brought us to Scarboro, where we spent the night at Father Carter's.


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Apr 28, 1838