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Day in the Life

Apr 29, 1838

Journal Entry

April 29, 1838 ~ Sunday

29 {Sunday} we arose in the morning & persued our journey we passed through Sheepscott, Wisscassett, Bath,
Brunswick & spent the night in Freeport. We both suffered much during this day's walk with blistered
feet & weary limbs but we felt it was for Christ's sake & the gospels & did not wish to to murmer 40 m[iles]

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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 1
The next we walked 40 miles and suffered much during the day with blistered feet and weary limbs. This was also the case on our next day's journey of 30 miles. But on the afternoon of this day we arrived at Father Carter's and I had the privilege of again meeting my friends and wife whom I found all in good health and spirits I only remained at the house of my father- in-laaw seven days and I again bid adieu to my wife and her father's household and in company of Milton Holmes continued my travels in the ministry.


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Apr 29, 1838