Day in the Life

May 19, 1838

Journal Entry

May 19, 1838 ~ Saturday

May 19th I walked to Elder Orson Pratts & took breakfast with Brother Foster. I prepared 1 doz of Parley's
Pamphlets & forwarded them to our friends abroad. I had a plesent walk with Elders O. Pratt
& E. Fordham. I also visited Mr Pratt & his family a native of Englang but had now become a citizen
of N Y his wife & daughter were Saints & both sick we prayed with them & la^i^d hands upon them
& they receieved a blessing. They reside in Watts street.

We purchased a card of Gillotts steel pens
represented as being the best in use. We next visited Brother Parker in King street No 327, we then
returned to Br Fosters in Hamersly street No 26. I accompanied Brother & Sister Foster in the
evening to market & it was a peculiar scene to me. It put me in mind of the merchannddize
of Babylon that the Revelator John spoke of. [Revelation 18] The market was one universal mass of human
beings crowded together perchasing food from the maket which contained every variety of
both meet, fish & vegitable. The scenery was interesting to pass through the streets which was
Illuminated for miles by gas & other lights I returned with Brother Foster & spent the night distance of the day 6 m


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

1 mention
Maine Mission
Fordham, Elijah
12 Apr 1798 - 9 Sep 1879
5 mentions
180 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Foster, Lucian R.
12 Nov 1806 - 19 Mar 1876
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1087 mentions
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
549 mentions


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Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838)
May 19th walked to Elder Orson Pratts & took break- fasted with Brother Rogers Brother L Foster we walked out in the city in the morning visited the post office we then returned to Brother Fosters & prepared 1 doz of parley's pamphlets & forwarded them to our friends abroad we I had a plesent walk with Elders O pratt & Elijah Fordham I also visited Mr [blank] pratts & his family his wife & daughter were Saints & both sick we lade hands upon them & they recieved a blessing they reside in Watt's Street No [blank] We purchased a [card] of Gillott's steel pens represented as being the best in use. We nex visited Brother Parker in King Street No 324. we then returned to Brother Fosters in Hamersly Street No 26. I accompanyed Bro & Sister parker in the evening to market & it was peculiar scene to me. It put me in my mi- nd of the merchandize of Babylon that the Reve- lator john spoke of, the market was one uni- versal mass of human being crowded together perchasing food from the Market which co- ntained every variety of both, meat, fish, & vegitable. The scenery was interesting to pass through the Streets which was illuminated for miles by gas th& other lights I returned with Brother Foster & spent the night with him distance of the day 6 miles


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May 19, 1838