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Day in the Life

Apr 21, 1839

Journal Entry

April 21, 1839 ~ Sunday

21st {[We]} passed throuth Huntsville crossed a 9 mile prairie the ro[a]ds were full
of the Saints that were fleeing from Missouri to Illinois for they were driven from their houses & lands by the
state with Governour Boggs at their head & that to against all law rights & the constitution 630 [miles]


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Boggs, Lilburn Williams
14 Dec 1796 - 14 Mar 1860
49 mentions


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View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Church leaders escape while being transported for trial with the help of their guards; Church members move to Commerce, Illinois and establish Nauvoo.
Wilford receives the official call to serve his third mission.

Apr 21, 1839