16th MOST INTERESTING DAY I rode to Mr Cleavelands & once more had the happy privilege of
greeting Sister Emma Smith who had taken up her abode for a season with her children in the house
of Sister Cleavland. we dined with Sister Smith she had passed through a scene of affliction since I
last saw her & even now Joseph her husband is in prision with other Saints through the power of persecution
we next rode to Quincy 4 miles & here an interesting scene presented itself to my view I first called at a
house which was occupied by Father & Mother Smith &the patriarch of the Church & also Samuel & Carlos
& their families. I then went out into the street & the Saints that I have formerly been acquainted with met
me on every hand such as [Petty], Clapp, Allexander & A. O. Smoot & their families from the south, & B. Young
John Tailer, J. P Green, R Cahoon, B Andresws A & S Milliken with most all of the other Kirtland Saints & soon
Br Jonathan H. Hale comes along with a shovel on his back & says how do you do Brother Woodruff & in fact I
saw so many of my old friends I hardly knew who to go home with first finally I concluded to go & spend the night
with Brother Hale & we had an interesting time together in talking about our travels together upon the Islands of the
sea & also Br Hale gave me an account of his sufferings & those of his family & all the Saints in Moissouri during
the past winter for they have suffered much from the inhaditants of Missouri who have turned mob with Governour
Bogs at their head they came upon the Saints from time to time in battle aray they shot the Saints down
like wi[l]d beasts & butchered others in cool blood & nocked the brains out of some after they [had] taken them prisioners
the soldiers shot down the cattle cows & hogs of the Saints for the purpose of destroying them. The Saints
at times stood in thieir own defence & some of their enemies fell befor them & In consequence of which the
Governour Issued orders for the final extermination of the Saints out of the state & sent a general after his own heart
to execut his orders forthwith & this is the cause of there leeving the state & coming to Quincy. the whole city
far west had to surrender to the melitia the Presidency with about 60 others was cast into prision & cha
ins. they are all delivered excepting eleven persons the mob used ever[y] exertion to take the life of Joseph
& others but through the mercy of God there lives were in the hands of God & not there enemies. Elder
David W. Patten one of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
chosen to bear the keys of this last kingdom was one of the marters of the persecution in Missouri
in the winter of 1838 he sealed his testimony with his Blood. He died strong in that faith that he
had boldly declared through the U. S. A. for the last 7 years of his life &c. Distance 20 m[iles]
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