29th I coppied the minutes of the general council held in Quincy Ill on the 4th of May 1839 {[3 words of illegible shorthand]}
^See May 4, when this
Council was held.^
Minutes of a general conference held by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at the presbyterians
camp ground near Quincy Adams County Illinois on Saturday the 4th of May 1839
At eleven oclock the meeting was called to order and President Joseph Smith jr appointed chairman
A hymn was then sung when President Smith made a few odbservations on the state of his own peculiar feelings
after having been so long seperated from his brethren &c &c & then proceded to open the meeting by prayer
when after some preliminary remarks by Elder J. P. Green & President Rigdon concerning a certain peace of
purchase of land in the Iaway Territory made for the Church by the Presidency. The following resolutions
were unanimously adopted. 1st Reso[l]ved that Almuand Babbit, Erastus Snow, & Robert B. Thomson be appointed a
travieling committy to gather up & obtain all the libellious reports & publications which have been circulated against
our Church as well as the historical matter connected with said Church which they can possibly obtain.
2nd Resolved that Bishop Knights be appointed or received into the Church in full Bishopric. 3rd Resolved that this con
ference does entirely sanction the purchase lately made for the Church in the Iaway Territory as also the agency
thereof. 4th Resolved that Elder Granger be appointed to go to kirtland & take the charge and oversight of the house
of the Lord and preside over the general affairs of the Church in that place. 5th Resolved that the advice of this
conference to the brethren living in the eastern states is for them to move to kirtland and vicinity thereof and again
settle that place as a stake of Zion provided that they may feel so inclined in prefforence of going further west
6th Resolved that George A Smith be ordained to the place of Thomas B Marsh as one of the twelve ^acknowled[ged] as one of the Twelve Apostles^
7th Resolved that this conference are entirely satisfied with and do give their sanction to the procedings
of the conference of the Twelve and their friends held on the Temple spot at Far West
Missouri on friday the 26th of April last. 8th Resolved that we also sanction the act of the
council held same date at same place in cutting off from the communion of said Church certain
persons mentioned in the minutes thereof. 9th Resolved that Elder Orson Hide & Wm Smith
be allowed the privilege of appearing personally before the next general conference of the Church to give
an account of their conduct & that in the ^mean^ time they be both suspended from exercising the functions
of their office. 10th Resolved that the conference do sanction the mission intended by the Twelve
to England and that they will do all in their power to enable them to go. 11th Resolved that that the subject
of Elder Rigdon's going to Washington be adjourned untill tomorrow. 12th Resolved that the next general
conference be held on the first Saturday in October next at Commerce at the house of Elder Rigdon
13th That we now adjourn untill tomorrow at 10 oclock. Joseph Smith jr President. J. Mulholland Clerk
Saturunday the fifth met according to adjournment at 10 AM. meeting or conference opened as usual by prayer
singing &c. when it was resolved that this conference do send a delegate to the city of Washington to lay
our case before the general Government and that President Rigdon be appointed to that office.
2nd Resolved that Almond Babbit be sent to Springfield Ill clothed with authority & required to set to rights
the Church in that place in every way which may become necessary according to the order of the Church
of Jesus Christ.
3rd Resolved that Col Lyman Wight be appointed to receive the affidabits which
are to be sent to the city of Washington, after which the afternoon was spent in hearing inst
ruction from the Presidency & those of the Twleve present when at 5 oclock P.M. conference
adjurned according to the resolution of Saturday viz untill the first Saturday in October next
at Commerce Illinois
Joseph Smith jr Chairman
James Mulholland Clerk
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