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Day in the Life

Oct 15, 1839

Journal Entry

October 15, 1839 ~ Tuesday

15 I spent the day at Br Royce in reading the Church History of John Lawrence Mosheim D. D. I read all
under the 4th century during the reign of Constantine & also the first part of 2nd century


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von Mosheim, Johann Lorenz
9 Oct 1693 - 9 Sep 1755
3 mentions
Historical Figure
4 mentions

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Daybook (8 August 1839 - 12 January 1840)
15th I spent the day at Brother Royce it being Tuesday I missed my chills and fever I visited Br Dlenory


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Times and Seasons, official Church newspaper, first published in Nauvoo, Illinois (continuously published until February 1846).

Oct 15, 1839