11th I spent the day in Burslem
I wrote
two Letters one to Elder Turley & the other
to Elder Wm Clayton I preached at night
in Burslem at Dea[con] Bradburrey's
& after preaching one came to be Baptized
a female we called upon her sister weas
we passed along & she said she would obey
the gospel also. We then called upon another
woman who was believing, but she
made objections to being Baptized then
because she had a dead child in the house
I told her to lett let the dead bury the
Dead [Luke 9:60] but rise & follow Christ & she did
& we walked two miles & I baptized
the three 3 females their husbands were
in the church & were present at the time
I baptized these females. We repared at
a house & I confirmed them & I had
the spirit of God & a good time I spent
the night at Elder Cordons {Distance of the day} 5 m
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