Day in the Life

Sep 4, 1840

Journal Entry

September 04, 1840 ~ Friday

4th Elders Kimball & Smith took a walk to Debt
, & I took a walk into the city called upon
Br Corner found him in good spirits. I also called
upon A Mr Panther 17 Wharf City road Basin, as he
was a directer of a Metheidist chapel I asked him for
it to preach in, he said he had a school house that
would hold about 500 he said I might have that
on Sunday & he would give up his chool for that
purpose so I gave out an appointment iat Bowl
Court 137 Thornditch. I conversed with several
others who received my testimony one woman said
she would be baptized. I returned home by the way
of the Smithfield Market which occipies about 20
acres of ground, & it was in the time of the fair
& I never saw such a scenery before. In fact
it would be a difficult task for a historian to descr
ibe the particulars of 20 acres of ground coverd
over with Cattle, Sheep, Caravans of Beast, Lions
Tigers Leapard, Bears, Wolves, Elephants Camels Zabras
horned horses, wild Boars, monkeys, serpants, & evry
description of beasts, Animal & reptile exhibited in Euro-
, these connected with large bands of music, men
woman, & children of almost evry grade & rank
prostitu[t]es & merchantdize of evry name & nature
oshters, shrimps, mustles, crabs, lobsters fish, cakes
bread, meet, beer, soda, crockery toys clothing of all
kinds old & new, umbrellas, pears, Apples, plums, &
grapes & almost evry thing els that anybody ever
saw. A Giant women was exhibited 7 feet high
a sheep weighing 600 lbs. & a live serpent 12
feet in length which a women would wind around
her bare neck & bosom to show her courage &c.
Should a Missourian from the western wiles of
America kwhose knowledge extends ownly to his
gun, corn crib, & hog pen behold such a scenery
he would think he was in another world, what
affect it would have upon him I know not but
one thing is certain that any man that loved
virtue peace & retirement would turn from
such a scenery with his heart sicken within him
knowing that virtue peace nor righteousness could
not long dwell in such a sink of confusion &
iniquity 8 m[iles]


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Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1435 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1457 mentions
4 mentions


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
my room most of the dtime but on the Elders Kimball and Smith went to Debtford, and I took a walk into the city called upon Brother Corner and found him in good spirits. I also called upon Mr Panther, 17 Warf, City Road, Basin, who was a director of a Methodist chapel. I asked
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
the , Elders Kimball and Smith went to Debtford, and I took a walk into the city, called upon Brother Corner and found him in good spirits. I also called upon Mr. Panther, 17 Warf, City Road, Basin, who was a director of a Methodist chapel. I asked him for the chapel to preach in. He said he had a school house which would hold two hundred, and that I might have that on Sunday. So I gave out an appointment at Bowl Court, 137 Shordeitch. I conversed with several others who received my tes- timony, and one woman said she would be baptized.


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Sep 4, 1840