Day in the Life

Oct 26, 1840

Journal Entry

October 26, 1840 ~ Monday

26th [FIGURE] SEW We obtained a package of
seven letters, one to H. C. Kimball from J Taylor on
the Isle of Man, one from father John Smith on[e]
Elias Smith, & one from Elder O. Pratt, direct[e]d
to George A. Smith, & one from Hiram Clark on[e]
from Phebe W. Woodruff & Albert Petty & one from
Sister Margarett Smoot directed to W Woodruff
the Letter from Phebe & Sister Smoot gave an
account of the Death & burial of our oldest child
SARAH EMMA, who Died July 17th 1840
being two years & three days old The following
is an extract from Sister M Smoots Letter

To the memory of Sarah Emma Woodruff who
Died July 17th AD 1840
Thus the Iron hand of Death
Lade heavy on & stoped the breath
Of one who lived but to Beguile
our moments as if with a smile
Beloved she lived beloved she Died
Her fathers Joy & mothers Pride
Beloved of all who did her see
Yea & more beloved by me

There was no bell here to toll
But many a briny tear did fall
With look our own hearts did tell
Little Sarah Dear farewell
Yes little Sarah lovly one
Sleep on Sleep on, till Christ shall come
Then thou wilt rise shake of[f] thy dust
BAnd be numbered with the just

Brother Woodruff except of this piece of compo-
sition from one who had evry feeling but that
of a parent for your departed Sarah
M. T. Smoot

Phebe's letter was Dated July 18th 1840
The following is an extract

My Dear Willford, what will be your feelings, when
I say that yesterday I was called to witness the depar-
ture of our little Sarah Emma from this world, yes
she is gone the relentless hand of death has snatched
her from my embrace—but Ah! She was two lovely
to kind, to affectionate, to live in this wicked world when
looking on her I have often thought how I should feel
to part with her I thought I could not live without
her esspecially in the Absence of my companion.
but she has gone the Lord hath taken her home to himself
for some wise purpose. It is a trial to me, but the Lord
hath stood by me in a wonderful manner I can see & feel
& that he has taken her home & will take better care of
her than I possibly could for a little while untill I shall
go & meet her yes Willford we have one little Angel in
heaven & I think it likely her spirit has visited you before
this time. It is hard living without her She used to call
her poor Pa-Pa & putty pa-pa many times in a day she left a
kiss for her pa-pa with me just before she died. She eat
her dinner as well as usual thursday was taken about 4 oclok
with a prestness for bre^a^th the Elders lade hands upon her
& anointed her a number of times, but the next day her
spirit took its flight from this to another world with-
out a groan. To day Willford & I with quite a number
of friends accompaning us came over to Commerce to pay
our last respects to our little darling in seeing her decently buried
she had no relative to follow her to the grave or to shed a
tear for her but her Ma & little Willford [FIGURES] I have just been to
take a pleasing melancholy walk to Sarah's grave, she lies alone
in peace. I can say that the Lord gave & the Lord hath
taken away & blessed be the name of the LORD
{May the Lord bless yourself and return you home again is the prayer of your sickly and afflicted companion} P W. Woodruff


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Petty, Albert
10 Aug 1795 - 19 Jun 1869
78 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Smith, Elias, b. 1804
6 Sep 1804 - 24 Jun 1888
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1442 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1463 mentions
Clark, Hiram, b. 1795
22 Sep 1795 - 28 Dec 1853
Smith, John, b. 1781
16 Jul 1781 - 23 May 1854
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1964 mentions
94 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1087 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Emma
14 Jul 1838 - 17 Jul 1840
165 mentions
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
722 mentions


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Phebe's letter was Dated July 18th 1840 The following is an extract My Dear Willford, what will be your feelings, when I say that yesterday I was called to witness the depar- ture of our little Sarah Emma from this world, yes she is gone the relentless hand of death has snatched her from my embrace - but Ah! she was two lovely to kind, to affectionate, to live in this wicked world when looking on her I have often thought how I should feel to part with her. I thought I could not live without her esspecially in the Absence of my companion. but she has gone the Lord hath taken her home to himself for some wise purpose. It is a trial to me, but the Lord hath stood by me in a wonderful manner I can see & feel & that he has taken her home & will take better care of her than I possibly could for a little while untill I shall go & meet her yes Willford we have one little Angel in heaven & I think it likely her spirit has visited you before this time. It is hard living without her she used to call her poor Pa-Pa & putty pa-pa many times in a day she left a kiss for her pa-pa with me just before she died.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Reuben Hedlock, 26 October 1840
Glasgow - Beloved Breatheren I Proseed to answer your very kind Leter of the 20th inst. Which came to hand Last Satturday I am glad to Learn that you have again arived in the Matropalos and I Pray our heavenly father that these imperfect Lines may find you enjoying health with all its atenant Blessings my health is about midlin my lungs are very weak I thank you for your kind advise and with it I Desier your prayers I Truly feal to simpathise with you Brother Woodruff in the Loss of your Daughter as it Brings past sceans to my mind when we were surrounded by mobs and in the midst of Distress I was caled to part with my only son my wifes father & Brother but Dear Brother we need not sorrow as those that have no hope altho we are seperate for a season if we endure in faith on the Son of God we shall meet when parting will not be known I now make an extra[c]t from my Journal after I left you in Manchester I arived in Liverpool on the 12th of oct hear I found Elder Samuel Muliner and those from scotland who was to sail with him to America ^who expected to sail on the 14th^ in good spirits bute in confusion I stayed in Liverpool two Days preached twise to the saints then took the steamer and went to Belfast Ireland where those with whoom I had formed an aquaintance when I was there before Desiered us to stop and preach we spent the most of the Day in obtaining a scool room to preachin I gave notise by puting some bills through town we had two Days to stay before sabath we concluded to go to Hilsbourgh and see Elder Curtis we went on the train from Belfast to Lisburn Distance 7 miles it is a burrough in Antrim Co it is a place of considerable manufactories of fine Linin it is in very fertil Country abounding with Gentelmens Seats fine Groves hill and vale and Plenty of whiskey shops and begars the most extensive crope is potatioes which are as good as I ever eat we walked 3 Irish miles on foot and we came to Hilsbury the country seat of Lord Hils- bury it n Downshire Co it is a place of considerable Linin Manufactories


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Oct 26, 1840