Day in the Life

Nov 15, 1840

Journal Entry

November 15, 1840 ~ Sunday

15th Sunday A hand pointing to the right ({Wd Wd Wd} its {not a first rate [cousin]}) I wrote
a letter to P. P. Pratt sent him several peaces of a
News paper viz abot the Latter Day Saints, Inund-
ation in France with great destruction Election &
fraud in the U. S A &c I preached in the afternoon
& followed Br Pitt in the evening, After which several
of the followers of Joanna Southcoat got up & detained
the congregation by preaching there principles there

are several parties belonging to her societ[y]
this party that spoke call themselves the
ten tribes of Israel they gather to England
which they consider the promised land they
wear long beards & circumcise keep the law
of Moses
& omit the first principles of the
Baptism &c, they are the ownly ones tha[t]
will have a body like Christ Abram all the proph[ets]
& Apostles will have a body inferior to theirs &
will inherit a Celestial Kingdom, while
they say they will inherit the kingdon of God whi[ch]
they consider a far greater than the celesti
al, & they have many things to foolish & incons
istant to be believed by rational man.
I communed with the Saints after meeting


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

240 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Southcott, Joanna
25 Apr 1750 - 27 Dec 1814
9 mentions
Historical Figure
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
548 mentions
Pitt, William Hill
16 Aug 1813 - 23 Feb 1873
66 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.

Nov 15, 1840