of wickededness hypocracy & &he rejected
our testimony & opposed the work, in fact we
cannot go to teach in the city of London but
what the Devil comes also to oppose us thi[s]
accounts for my dreams about serpents. I
returned home fell asleep & again dreamed
of vast serpents both dead & alive some were of
Antique turned into stone, & many were alive about
20 foot long & Pitched at me like Draggons & I
fled from them & arose into the air & sailed a great
distance with the greatest ease & delight singing
Victory. I also saw large fruit tasted of it & it was
good, & a man tried to set his dog on me, but he soon
repented of his conduct.
On the night of the
forth I dreamed of seeing my wife & child. I had
a happy interview with them. I trust I shall
soon hear from them at least. 8 miles
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