4th I took the parting hand with Elder Kington
& household with all the Saints, in Bristol, & took
coach & rode to the passage over the river
Severn, here we left coach crossed one mile & half
in a boat with passengers & baggage over the
water we again took coach road to the town
of Cheapstow Monmouthshire Wales, I arived
in this town at 11 oclock I spent three hours in
this Noted town pop 6000 During which time I visit
ed the old Noted Cheapstow Castle, in which it
is said that Oliver Cromwell was improisioned for
a season, it was vary Antique & partly in ruins ther
are vary many castles in Wales of this kind, which
ware built to defend themself against the English
But it is evident from the manner of their constru-
ction, situation, & location, that they were not
calculated so much for Defence against canon Ball
as stones & arrows. I Dined in this town, ownly
half a crown 2/6 for Dinner & /6 six pence for
the waiter at table & another sixpens for a waiter
to the coach, whare I paid 4/ more to ride to
Monmouth the capitol of Monmouthshire 16 miles it
was exceding hilly & mountaineous which is the case
throughough Wales, much of this rout was by the
windings of the River Y, the coachman run his
horses Down the mountains which would much have
endangered our lives had not the roads been good, when
I arived in Monmouth, Elder James Morgan was waiting
my arival, had giving out an appointment for me to preach
in town at 7 o-clock. I preached at the house of Robert
Davis, the house was crouded & many that could
not get in, 4 offerd themselves for Baptism the first
opportunity their is many that will embrace the
work in Monmouth if it is attended to, their are calls
upon evry hand the harvest is great & labourers few [Luke 10:2]
I spent the night at the full Moon. Distance of the Day 35.
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