Day in the Life

Jan 23, 1841

Journal Entry

January 23, 1841 ~ Saturday

23rd A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Elder Wm Pitt
{I bought} 2 {flannel shirts and Phebe a collar}

We took a walk in the afternoon with Doctor Copeland we
visited the largest Docks in London, we first visited
St Catherine's Dock, & after viewing the shiping &
freight of evry Description We then visited London
Dock, & among many other things we saw one of
the greatest curiosities in London or the world viz
the Eastern wine vault. This is much the largest
wine vault in the world, it is altogether under ground
& covers nine English acres the whole vault is supported
with tremendous arches & pillars, & lade of in the form
of streets, we had the streets & city overhead we walked
through the length & bredth of this vault with a guide
each one carrying a lighted lamp in his hand, this vault
was has been built 33 years. This vault alone contained
30,000 pipes of the best port wine & 6,000 pipes of
sherry & three others vaults of great magnitude filled
with the same article, besides many thousands of
pipes of wine, Brandy, Gin, & other liquors strewed thro-
ughed all the Docks wharfs & storehouses, we had a
tasting order & found the wine a good article, But
it seemed dreadful to see such vast sums of money
expended for intoxicating drinks when there are
thousands nearly starving for bread in the streets. We
left this scenery & called into a Jewish synagogue
[FIGURE] & attended a meeting of the Jews they all worship
with their hats on. We returned to our Room, I called
upon Mr Hender & he came Home with me. Soon Mr
James Albon came, & we all went to the Bath at Taber-
nacle Square
, & I Baptized Mr Albon & Mr Hender, we
returned to our Room & confirmed Br Albon 10 mile


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Albon, James
1 May 1793 - 21 Sep 1870
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions
Copeland, William
abt. 1802 - unk.
Hender, William
abt. 1770.-1861
Pitt, William Hill
16 Aug 1813 - 23 Feb 1873
66 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren


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Letter to Brigham Young, 23 January 1841
London Dear Brother, in christ. I have just Recieved your leter having date Jan the 21 we felte glad to hear from you, and to know where you was, and that you was well. I should Ritin before if I had know whare you would have been, you did not tell me whare you would be. I Expected you would go back to Manchester, you shall have all the news that we have of importan last sabath I went down to Woolwick and preached to them on the Sabatt, at the same place whare I did before. thare was sevrel come to hear, there was 2 or 3 thaught they should be baptised when I come down ag ain. I administered the sacrement to them and acording to the desire of the members and I was led by the spirrit I ordain John Griffith a presast. he seames to be a wise man, and a good man. they are going to guit a hous to preach in then I shall go down again, next week if all is well. Woolwick is a greate place it is the depot of England or Europe, thare is great menny soldiers thare. thare Barricks


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Jan 23, 1841