Day in the Life

May 26, 1841

Journal Entry

May 26, 1841 ~ Wednesday
26th I visited various parts of the city I bought
A Trunk for Phebe Paid $5.50 for it


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Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions


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Letter from Lorenzo Snow, 26 May 1841
London, . PRES'T YOUNG, AND ELDERS KIMBALL WOODRUFF, AND SMITH: It is with no small degree of pleasure, I embrace this early opportunity of com- municating you some intelligence in ref- erence to Zion's onward movements in England's renowned metropolis. The Sunday after my arrival in Lon- don, from Manchester Conference, I bap- tized two; the Sunday following eleven came forward and received the gospel: the next Sunday week, three more follow- ed their example; and the Sunday fol- lowing which was the day of our Confer- ence (16th inst.) two more received bap- tism. At our Conference I was privileged to represent the church in London, consist- ing of seventy four members. Hence you perceive that the work of the Lord is moving steadily forward in this city, and bringing forth from midnight slum- ber, many of the humble and virtuous into the kingdom of light and intelligence. A desire to investigate, and become ac- quainted with our principles is now rapid- ly increasing and extending itself through the city. I am confident but little has been done as yet towards spreading forth in this city the curtains of Zion, in com- parison to what still remains to be ac- complished. Although after excessive toil and la-


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May 26, 1841