Joseph Smith directs Church members to stop proxy baptisms in Mississippi River, wait for completion of Nauvoo Temple font.
3rd I am some better able to do some business
View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.
Br Joseph then deliverd unto us an edifying address showing us what temperance faith, virtue, charity & truth was he also said if we did not accuse one another God would not accuse us & if we had no accuser we should enter heaven he would take us there as his back load if we would not accuse him he would not accuse us & if we would throw a cloak of charity over his sins he would over ours for charity coverd a multitude of sins & what many people called sin was not sin & he did many things to break down superstition
Br Joseph then deliverd unto us an edifying address showing us what temperance faith, virtue, charity & truth was he also said if we did not accuse one another God would not accuse us & if we had no accuser we should enter heaven he would take us there as his back load if we would not accuse him he would not accuse us & if we would throw a cloak of charity over his sins he would over ours for charity coverd a multitude of sins & what many people called sin was not sin & he did many things to break down superstition
View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.