9th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] T[h]e Saints in Nauvoo assembled inat the house
of president Marks at an early hour in the mor-
ning to pay their last respeck to the Body of
Ephraim Marks son of President Marks who died
on the evening of the 7th A large poroscession
formed two by two & walked to the grove a large
concorse assembled President Joseph Smith
spoke upon the occasion with much feelings & inter
est among his remarks he said it is a vary solumn
& awful time I never felt more solumn it calles
to mind the death of my oldest Brother who died in
New York & my Youngest Brother Carloss Smith who
died in Nauvoo It has been hard for me to live on
earth & see those young men upon whome we have lean-
ed upon as a support & comfort taken from us in
the midst of their youth. yes it has been hard to
be reconciled to these things I have sometimes felt
that I should have felt more reconciled to have been
called myself if it could have been the will
of God, yet I know we ought to be still & know
it is of God & be reconciled all is right it
will be but a short time before we shall all in
like manner be called. It may be the case
with me as well as you. Some has supposed
that Br Joseph could not die but this is a
mistake it is true their has been times when
I have had the promise of my life to accomplish
such & such things, but having accomplish those
things I have not at present any lease of my
life & am as liable to die as other men
I can say in my heart that I have not done any
thing against Ephraim Marks that I am sorry for
& I would ask any of his companions if they
have done any thing against him that they are
sorry for or that they would not like to meet at
the bar of God if so let it prove as a warning to
all men to deal justly before God & with all men
then we shall be clear in the day of judgment
When we loose a near & dear friend upon whom
we have set our hearts we can never feel the same
afterwards knowing that if we set our hearts upon
others they may in like manner be taken from us
President Smith made many other interesting
remarks & left it for President Rigdon to close
President Rigdon arose & also said many interes-
ting [things] & among other said that when we see a princi-
ple that makes us the most Happy if we will cultivate
that principle & practice it ourselves it will render usothers
Happy for that course of conduct that pleases you will
please others. I would say to the morners that
death has made his heaviest stroke at you for should
he take either of the parents away from the rest
of the family it would set them down in the king-
dom of God with their son Ephraim. the speaker
remarked that the death of this young man had made
a vacancy in his heart that nothing could fill untill
it was filled by restoring the society of the same
person in eternity which is the case in loosing any
friend All the remarks were vary appropriate that were
made on the occasion. The Body was then conveyd
to the grave in solemn silence & each as they pass-
ed by droped in a branch of evergreen into the grave
the Body was then coverd with earth which closed
the scenery.
The City Council met at 2 o-clock I stayed a litt
le season & came home with a hard headacke but
notwithstanding this illness I set out a bed of english
strawburies & 150 stocks of english red raspberrys in
my garden which closed the business of the {day}
{We set} (3) {ponies loose}
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President Joseph Smith spoke upon the occasion with much feelings & inter est among his remarks he said it is a vary solumn & awful time I never felt more solumn it calles to mind the death of my oldest brother who died in New York & my Youngest brother Carloss Smith who died in Nauvoo. It has been hard for me to live on earth & see those young men upon whome we have lean- ed upon as a support & comfort taken from us in the midst of their youth, yes it has been hard to be reconciled to these things I have sometimes felt that I should have felt more reconciled to have been called myself if it could have been the will of God, yet I know we ought to be still & know it is of God & be reconciled all is right it will be but a short time before we shall all in like manner be called. It may be the case with me as well as you. Some has supposed that Br Joseph could not die but this is a mistake it is true their has been times when I have had the promise of my life to accomplish such & such things, but having accomplish those things I have not at present any lease of my life & am as liable to die as other men
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