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Day in the Life

Jul 17, 1842

Journal Entry

July 17, 1842 ~ Sunday

17th Sunday Elder John Taylor preached in
the fore part of the day. I preached in the
Afternoon & expressed my feelings in plain-
ness upon various subjects. Afeter meeting I
repaired to the font & confirmed about
one hundred who were Baptized mostly for
their dead relations


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Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1834 mentions

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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 1
I preached in the afternoon of Sunday the 187th and at the close of the meeting I went to the font and confirmed about one hundred most of whom were baptized for the dead The time had come when there was again excitement throughout the land against the Saints. This excitement had arisen partly because the citizens of Nauvoo were disposed to exercise the


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Millennial Star begins serial publication of Manuscript History of the Church in England.

Jul 17, 1842