Day in the Life

Aug 1, 1842

Journal Entry

August 01, 1842 ~ Monday

Aug 1st An exceding cold day & night & morning
as for myself I am in almost evry kind of trouble
A severe cold has settelled throughout my body
I have the Rheumatism, teeth ake, head ake, bones ake,
have got the musketoe fever, Bilious fever, & sick
stomack, & am fearful that if we run on to many
more sand bars & am many more weeks getting
to St Louis & if the Musketoes do not favor me
more than they have done, that it will be a question
whether I ever reach home or not but I hope for the
best. H [blank] we have run smash into another
sand bank we have not gone more than 3 miles
since we left the other that we was on the whole
day this is election day in Illinois Nauvoo &c.
I wish I was there but here I am fast on a sand bar &
like to be we are both out of provisions & wood I think
sumthing will be done for the hands have gon on to the
Island cutting wood, got a lighter & took of[f] some
of the led we then got off the bar & soon got
on another soon got of[f] & sailed 3 miles up the river
& down again in another channel, then tied up
to a wood pile & spent the night


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Aug 1, 1842